Sunday, 22 July 2012

Who rules the uk?

A question ive always wondered about. There is no doubt we are a satalite state of the usa. That partly answers the question. The rulling elite of uk also has a strong russian jewish factor from when the ussr broke up and also the bolshavik revolution saw many jews flee to uk. Jewish power in business is enormous and on a scale only people who have done research can appreciate. But do jews run uk? No, Nobody runs uk exclusively, the uk rulling class is made up of thousands of powerfull figures and yes many of them are dispraportionatly jews for their demographic. No one person is king and cooperation as an oligarthy on shared interest of keeping the middle class under control is essential for groups survival. It is not unfair to say the jews also hold most of the key positions of power and influence no matter what the people who throw "anti semite!" into the debate say. facts are just facts to those like me who have done thousands of hours research as a bad habbit hobby campigning for palestine. The jewish community can be notoriously ethnocentric but that said so are the muslims and any other group which always favours "their own kind". But the difference is that talmud takes ethnocentricm as religion and other faiths simply have no such belief theology. Its impossible to put a figure or know just how much power the jews have in the uk but what can be said is that it is hugely influencial to say the least in all the key sectors and even gordon brown the prime minister admited this fact. What concerns me is not that jews are all powerfull in the uk but that their are obviously some jews in power that have very nasty tendencies to be ethnocentric and dam right racist and bounderyless in ethics. Pure pragmatists who will justify any means for an end result. These racist jews believe in an elite blood line theory just like hitlers arian race elitism theory. This i concider a big danger to society as it creates injustice and an arrogant elite who think they are uberman master race. Not all jews think this way of course but many do. What can be done about these unsavory charectures dominating our system of govt? Once again...bugger all! They have a hold on power that wont ever be removed until they clash with the Chinese empire. I dont have a problem with jews rulling over me, i just have a problem when those jews are so racist they go all out to put other equally racist jews in positions of power simply because they have the right kind of blood. This i find grossly unfair to other ethnic groups jockying for power in our govt system.  A secular system is not supposed to favour one group. As long as they dont try to stop me practicing whatever religion i choose and dont start persecuting me they have forfilled their duty as ruller of state to enforce secular negative liberty. They can have their ignorant racist ideas if they like and they can even have that argumentative hell hole of a state called Israel too just as long as they dont tread on my toes and try to stop me living my life and escaping this dying country to live in the sun. Such people will inevitably come unstuck and they dont need me as an enemy to experience bad karma for seeking only justice for one ethnic group. They can only grow their ethnocentric power so much before the ethnocentricm becomes obvious to all in the population. This factor keeps the uk relatively safe from fascist tiranical rule since these racists are a tiny small demographic number that cannot dominate openly and have to rely on peoples ignorance of power structures. Yes they can build empires with just a few people but they can never teach their racist ideology to the people openly without revealing their sick master race mentality ideas.  Ive wasted way too much time campaigning for justice in Israel/Palestine and Israel will no doubt end in nuclear war one day and nothing i can say or do will persuade the racist zionists that their determination to have a racially pure state is going to be what gets them and maybe all of us wiped out one day. Campaigning on the Israel Issue is a garanteed way to spend a lot of time achieving nothing. Israel has nukes and they are here to stay. The "Peace process" will continue of course for anouther 60+ years despite the army of activists who are like me destined to waste years of their lives trying to change the unchangable. All we can do is try to persuade the israelis that it is in their interest to create a new arab state in sinai for the palestinians and to help pay for the cost of building it too! Either that or give up controlling the jordan presidency and let the palistinians use jordan as their state but it must be sovereign without Israeli puppets!. Im not for creating "States" and "nationalisms" but when global nuclear war is at stake ill make a practical exception to the rule. The arabs should also agree to a state in a new location in return for a guarantee Israel will bloody behave itself for a change and get its war based economy under control. The increasing numbers of moderate jews for a two state solution is a promising sign.

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