Monday 16 July 2012

BBC Radio 4 Moral Maze Programme Question

My mum some time ago told me about a radio 4 programme on the bbcs "the moral maze". In the programme the viewers were assked a philosophical senario where a person is asked if they would be willing to kill one person to save many others lives. I think i remember her saying that a sniper has to decide to divert a killer to a room with one person in it or let him go in the room with 100 people in it. I probably got this story wrong but that was the jist of the senario. Who is the most ethical person? Person A who refuses to kill the person who is alone in a room because its imoral and the incident leads to many people dying from the killer going in a full room or person B who diverts the killer to the room containing one person and saves many more lives? A tough question indeed. I cant help but say i would choose to kill one person if it was the only way to save many more lives. I began thinking about this ethical question again recently and began to see how politicians are probably in this situation all the time. They choose to invade iraq to get the oil because if they dont hundreds of thousands will die in the west from the effects of an economic crash. The economy of course relys on oil control and if the economy crashes many will die from not getting cancer drugs etc etc etc. Reality check indeed. I cant really see the sheeple agreeing to invade iraq if the prime minister were honest and said to the sheeple "We have to invade or our economy is doomed and many will die if we dont". I cant help but agree most of the population cant handle the truth and are best coerced in matters when neccesary. As the "Century of the self" video on youtube said: The people dont know whats good for them and would be stupid enough to vote in a dictator if they were not coerced with elections etc. 90%+ of the population sure are sheeple as this years 2012 election in the USA has proven beyond doubt. Even when the media screams romney is a crook the  majority still vote for him on the basis that he has a nice square jaw line and smile and repeat the words freedom, democracy, and jobs. The election is a prime example that the public are amazingly nieve and stupid and dont know their arse from thier head and are not too concerned or interested in what policys a candidate has. Maybe disshonesty is sometimes neccesary to protect people from themselves. Islam is a religion that teaches strict honesty from what i can see and judaism is much more pragmatic from what i can see. Maciavelli said in the prince that the most moral person is the person willing to get sent to hell to see that the greater good prevail. I cant help but see some logic in that. Maybe the person who chooses not to kill the person alone in the room (moral maze programme) is a bit too self righteous at the cost of many lives. In short the moral of this article is not to judge a person in power since they may have access to info that justifys their percieved crime and they have no better options. Ive always seen myself as an enemy of the govt but as i get older and more open minded i realise nothing is as simple as it seems. My mum told me today my nan might have been jewish and had a big crooked nose. and anouther relative did a family tree and said our family had fled religious persecution in holland to uk but did not specify which religion. Cant help but wonder if i have jewish blood (not that i believe ethics can be tranfered in a blood line of course even if i have got jewish ancestors). Even if you believe in pragmatism and that the govt have to coerce the public for their own good how can anyone justify 9/11 false flag? If they needed an excuse to invade afganistan and iraq why could they not just come up with an equally dramatic scary incident that did not involve killing loads of people?  Why could they not claim a bio flu weapon had struck the nation and then claim all the people who naturally die from flu every year were the victims of terrorists? (or something like that) That way you can have a casualty free false flag!. There is simply no way to justify the govt 911 false flag with any rational.

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