Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Intellectual Lazyness Copouts and Globalisation

i heard a good line from politician Michael Portilo on a talk show a while back. he challenged a debated to provide a wokable solution to a political issue rather than a critical ethical attack. michaels opponent failed to provide a solution and portilo called his position "Intellectual Lazyness". i found this a thought provoking good point that can be applyed to the iraq war. I myself in the past have been a soup box reactionary condemning leaders as unethical and warmongers for the iraq war etc. However when you empathise with blairs position of Invade for oil or see thousands of brits die from an economic depression the michael portilo challenge is very appropriate. Its easy to condemn when you are not required to offer a better solution to the difficult decision blair had to take AKA intellectual lazyness and a copout! The iraq war is horrifying yes and even if it had to happen im sure that blair probably lacked the imagination and caring nature to try harder to minimise the death toll. Cluster bombs and depleted uranium bullets dont spell "minimum casulaties" For him it was probably focused on Invade Yes/No. He gave little thought to minimising losses of life. This is the problem today. Weather we like it or not polititians and doctors have to play god sometimes with distributing cancer drugs etc and i dont ever want to find myself in such an unenviable position that i would have a choice like the moral maze senario or deciding who gets cancer care. The biggest problem we face today is 160 seperate nation states constantly at war since year dot. Politicians today seem to think that PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION FALSE FLAG tactics is the way to bring about globalism but i would argue that michael portilos aprouch is very clever. Call the worlds 7 billion people to a global tv watching summit and show them a 30 minute history of the 160+ nations at war presentation and then challenge the people to provide a solution to escaping anouther 2000 years of endless nationalist ethnic and religious warfare or just SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ADMIT THE STATUS QUO 160+ NATIONS IS IDIOTIC AND THEY ARE TOO STUPID TO CLEAN A TOILET LET ALONE HAVE AN OPINION ON POLITICS!. I do believe the west should push hard for a one world govt but doing it through violence is counter productive. Already we are seeing millions becoming fiercely anti NWO because of the constant aggresive policy of some western states. You dont build one world unity from making endless enemies from war. you build unity from soft power and cooperation and sophisticated diplomacy and setting a good example of the rule of law applying to govt and business leaders as well. Look at President Putin of Russia. The worlds leaders love his arse because he walks his walk and talk without hypocracy in his foreign policy. He respects international laws unlike usa govt. The west is already seeing the worlds nations favoring Putin and Chinas Premier to lead the NWO rather than usa govt because of american govts refusal to understand that as bruce lee said "The art of fighting is to learn how not to fight".  We do need a one world govt and in that sense im a globalist since globalism is preferable to endless tribal war for 2000 more years. I also no longer care who gets to be in charge since even if they are the wrong people it wont take long for 7 billion people to replace them if they are not up to the job. The collective efficiency of a united 7 billion will produce more global peace and material wealth and those two things alone counter balance any crappy results you might get from the wrong people being in charge. Even if crazy zionist elite blood line jews are pushing for a one world govt we should still support them in principle and effort since we and all the current sociopaths in govt will all long be dead before a true one world nation materialises and the religious nations the west conquors like somalia, yemen, etc are not going to have 100% of their people exterminated by colonialism. The one thing that will kill more people than the currents western policy of global colonialism is anouther 100 years of a world carved up into 160 war waging national/religious tribes that already have the technolgy to end 7 billion lives...FACT! Pushing for globalism (ironically the wests policy) is strangely enough the way to go even for muslims when you see the long term bigger picture. Truth is stranger than fiction sometimes. Im not convinced it will be easy to persuade palestinian HAMAS to support the globalists however :)

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