Monday 2 July 2012

What action i should take to fix the world

BUGGER ALL! is the answer i have concluded. Now that i realise how complex philosophical questions are i can entertain the possibility that all i have concidered true up to now could in fact be total bullshit. If God is omnisipent he sure does not need my help to put the world strait. He has a plan to blow up the world anyway according to all three major religions so why would i want to involve myself in the conflict of religions and politics when i can do more good by focusing on building something up as apposed to pulling some scumbag politician down. In the end the world will always be full of scumbags to the last day of armageddon so why throw myself on the sacrificial alter when it wont make any difference or fix the worlds biggest problems? Its irational and life is better spent looking out for ones own self interests and doing what little good he can for people who deserve to be helped. Thats all God expects. I think maybe starting a food charity in africa or central asian forests might be an interesting project to start when i can afford it. Something small and simple and a comfortable pace of life with growing my own food in the forrest and maybe start a family one day. I simply dont want a fast paced life with my adhd and need to keep things simple to enjoy life.

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