Teachings from Quran that dissprove common accusatiions about islam being a dangerous oppresive religion:
1) "There is nothing that prevents you from being kind to the non muslims"
2) "For you is your religion and for me is mine" (proves mohammed believed in non interfearance liberty principle and secularism not conquor and kill)
3) "If the enemy come to you in surender you must escort them to a place of security and read them the quran" (proves mohammed taught mercy and restraint in war. he also said not to kill women or children in battle or cut down trees, harm cattle, poison wells etc.)
4) "Kill them wherever you find them" (The famous missquoted sword verse which also has the info regarding the three month peace treaty being broken which is also often left out of the quote. (mohammed was simply declaring war after the peace treaty was broken and war had already effectively begun.)
5) "Let there be no compulsion in your religion" (If this verse is not enough to prove mohammed did not teach spreading islam by the sword to an islamophobe i dont know what is!)
Islam however does believe in violence in self defence only. But only against a force that is trying to fight against islam using violence. In all other cercumstances it is a passafist religion. Islam even encourages you to let the murderer kill rather than fight as stated in the story of cane and able. Note: True self defence never involves YOU travelling to the place of the enemy to "defend yourself" The aggresor is always the person that seeks out the fight on his enemies turf. There is just no getting around this FACT.
PS. Appologies if these quotes are not word for word. They are from memory and are my own words from memory but the quotes meanings are preserved and accurate. You can check the exact word for word quote using google.
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