The more i keep an open mind to the ideas of isaiha berlins negative liberty theory the more i like the part of it that teaches non interfearance in others lives. The problem i have with it though is that it is rooted in conservative ideals that are notorious for mercylessness when it comes to helping support the poor. Individualism has a major down side in that it can create a dog eat dog world where society allows the weak to die off rather than helping them help themselves. The downside to Karl Mark socialism is that religious scripture does in fact support capitalist property rights and i dont want to care and share all the possesions in my apartment with the masses of ignorant chavs in the population. Also you can take socialism and community love too far. I dont want to be standiong in a cirle of hippies holding hands singing "Love is all we need" whilst trying to appreciate how much better my life is living in a tent (a slight exageration maybe but capitalism does produce a lot better material standard of comfort). I would possibly sign up for libertarianism if it was not for its mercylessness attitute towards the poor. I believe life often can through no fault of a persons own send you to the bottom very easily and we need a social net. I also believe the net should be in exchange for work of some kind however. The state must guarantee jobs for those who literally are not going to have enough to eat to survive. Socialist revolutionary theory also does not hold well with me. Despite the state being oppresive in many ways nobody who is not working and has their basic needs paid for can complain they are suffering so much they need to kill a few govt leaders. As long as you have a roof over your head and food in your belly your not so desperate that you can envoke self defence as a justification for killing. Self defence is to protect your life only acoording to scripture. It seems liberty has turned into a ridged ideology asaih warned berlin warned about. I originally thought liberty was a scam by the rich to con the poor into supporting the rulling class but now realise they do sincerelly believe in its teachings. And since jews are teaching liberty to other jews on the chabad lubervich website i can safely conclude i was being paranoid in thinking it was an ideology to con the world. Jews do sincerely believe in liberty and freedom as a religion and secular movement. Judaism and Liberty are one and the same thing it would seem. I nwo need to reconcider my suspicion that freuds pschoanalasis is a con to trick people into becoming non believers. Freud may well have been atheist but he was teaching jewish ideas in his self esteem concept. Maybe freuds ideas belong to no religion but are universal truths that anyone from any background can stumble apon. The truth of religion or its non existance almost certainly lays in freuds theorys. I need to study freud to decide if Islam or Judaism is the truth. Or maybe it will lead me to conclude that atheism is the truth and that we really are alone. The answer to existentialism i suspect is to be found in freuds books weather he plagerized his theory from the talmud or old testament is irrelavant. Perhaps the concept of having self esteem is not linked to arrogance and the "you made me from fire and him from clay" attitude after all. Perhaps this arrogant attitude only originates from "low self esteem" not "high self esteem" as the narcisist psychoanalasis theories would confirm. It sure is difficult to choose your faith allegence or lack of it when you have realised that you existing religious/theological knowledge is half missing and could be totally wrong. To compound stress i find myself in the position of having to accept that when it comes to my attitude towards many jews ying maybe yang and yang maybe ying. If judaism turned out to be the truth and islam incorrect i would sure as hell not be in Gods good books for my youtube video campaigns supporting all the anti zionist jews!. Ive deleted the video channels i created against zionism now anyway but there is still one channel i cant delete as i dont remember the password. Its best to stay out of politics until you have decided which religions side you are on if any. First learn then preach as some might say. Thing is i still am sceptical about the holocaust 6 million claims by jews. David irving seems to be genuine in his mannerisms and knowledge but his first name "david" makes me suspicious he could be controlled opposition. I do believe the victor writes history. perhaps this 6million was ww2 propaganda and jews are not in a position to admit it was state propaganda without getting a serious backlash from the goyim however. As david irvin says "The state has no govt department ordered to do the clearing up of all the bullshit lies it tells after the end of each war". If its true 6 million did not die and the piles of bodies were in fact disease victims as irvine claims then the jews would never be trusted again by any nation. I can see the motivation to keep the truth hidden as it might lead to a real 6 million massacre. This leads to the philosophical question: Is the truth always appropriate even if it starts a massacre?...hmmm food for thought.
Conclusion: Liberty VS Socialism. Both lose as they are both to extreem ends. The truth is likely someplace in the middle. A hybrid Capitalist Socialist Libertarianism...The third way as tony blair might say but without the blair theory bias towards the capitalists. A genuine third way.
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