Saturday, 21 July 2012

Darwin Dawkins Evolution Natural Selection and Agnosticism

Pfffwwwww.Where to begin? Just finnished watching some vids on youtube. On was by richard dawkins the famous atheist guy called "The blind watchmaker" the other was called "secular believers". Ill start with secular believers. I like many people who are religious get sick of bieng pigion holed into a certain catagory of believer by non believers. Many non believers automatically assume your religious because you are weak minded and want to believe. The truth however is very different for many. No doubt this applys to some believers but with myself i believe in a gog because it sounds more rational than atheists do on some specifics. In the video there was a woman called tricia who was the only person in the vid i related to. She was obviously a caring person since she actively campaigns for good charity causes yet she "thinks its unlikely a god exists". This attitude i find refreshing and have no problem with. Its the attitude of "I KNOW that there is no God" from atheists i have always found blindly arrogant. The jury is not out on the existance of god by a long shot! So many people (religious people included) state their "belief" as a FACT, yet no group can ever prove or dissprove the existance of god!. On official forms i often put down im an agnostic since i understand the term means someone who chooses not to choose! ie someone who does not assume they know it all and will never change their mind if some better evidence comes to their attention. The humanists who say "they dont know" and "try to do good" are the people i respect and they are probably the true righteous humble people god likes. Not everyone has the oportunity to become a scholar and not everyone has the brain for it either (myself included). Theology is incredibly complex and to claim you have figured it all out shows you know ZERO about theology.You can take educated guesses and be very confident in your position no probs, but to be so arrogant as to suggest you are sure even when people like einstein were never sure is gross ignorance. Ill never know for sure if God exists and i dont have the time to study knowing that after 100 years of study ill never be 100% sure. The best anyone can do is to practice the golden rule of all faiths and do unto others as one would want for onesself. Even the quran states that nobody but god knows the true interpretation of quran so anyone willing to join in with the fundamentalists obviously has no fear that god will punish them when they get their interpretation wrong. heres my take on what i think the truth probably is:

Agnostic (non arrogant chooses not to choose and wants to do good and learn more)
Atheist (Hates organised religion because its tribalism and causes war)
Muslim Monotheist (understands monotheism and hates tribalism)
Jewish Monotheist (Hates symbols, stautues, saints etc hates tribalism and jewish blood line theory)
Christian monotheist (Worships god, rejects worshipping jesus, accepts jesus as a prophet of god)

All of the above are probably righteous people who will go to heaven assuming god exists since they accept the central teaching of monotheism which started with abraham. thee shalt not take gods beside god! (The first commandment) THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE TOO. DURRRRH!

mankind has a nasty habbit of setting up idols like statues, worshipping humans as saints and creating religious hiararchys, thinking rocks have special powers and generally assigning a super natural power to anything in the creation. This act in islam is known as shirk and is the anti of "monotheism" which all religions claim to follow. Monotheism is found in all the groups above. The people who understand that it is the act of shirk that is the catalist of what causes the need to label each other!.

Example: As soon as someone says "This guys a saint in our religion" it means those who know hes deviated from monotheistic example are forced to dissacociate their belief from his and call him some other label. (A new religion is born!) This is how lables originate! When people deviate from the truth that THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE TRUTH AND ONE GOD. It is human ignorance of the monotheist principle that causes us to create different tribes and lables when in fact the truth is these lables dont exist in gods eyes. You are either righteous of lost in shirk in gods eyes. If a christian says he choses to call himself a christian because to him he associates the word christian with "a good person" will he go to hell for not knowing theology? Of course not! his intention and heart are in the right place but he lacks theological understanding of what it means to be christian.

The quran gives the example of pointing out the example of a person who was judgemental of a non believer and gos on to say something of the jist "do you not remember when you yourself were in that ignorant state"?. It made me think of my early days living in Israel when i wore my favorite dark green "Israel defence force - Special forces" t-shirt o purchaced on ben-yahuda street. I wore it proud and thought the israelis were simply fighting against terrorists.....untill i saw the reality of the collective punishment. Back then i was ignorant of the politics of israel/palestine yet i always had a good intention and heart to want to know the truth. If i were walking through gaza they would have probably shouted kuffr! and shot me dead for wearing such a shirt and justified it as killing an ignorant infidel. It makes you realise that if i expect people to judge me accurately and well i must also do the same for others. It could be that even some of the hardcore zionists are good people at heart and simply ignorant of politics. Pschologists call the act of seperating people into good/evil "Splitting". Its a pschological term for how the primative mind works. It wants to shoebox people into two seperate groups, good and evil, yet study reality and idf t-shirt wearing backpackers in Israel you can conclude the reality of the world is far more complex than meats the mind.

Framing Belief/Unbelief as a choice between creationism and evolution is disshonest. i do believe in evolution and god. Quranis scripture does conform to evolution depending on how you interpret it. maybe torah does too i dont know. Bible however is coorupted beyond repair by human scribes.
But fact is deciding if god exists or doesnt i must face the fact ill never know and can only just do my best for the world that i know how. Im no genius in theology and dont have the background in philosophy etc to come close to claiming that i am qualified to have an opinion people should listen to. All i know is that humans creat tribes through shirk and labeling and i must always remember to never judge people as good/bad since only god knows the persons true label and weather they are a good person or bad person. Even if they are a bad person perhaps they will one day turn good. Its simply not for humans to judge others other than on a purely legal rule of law basis. In a just and civilised state revenge is put aside and disputes are taken to a functioning competant court of law. If everyone believed in vigilante judgement and that they were the courts the world would go back to the ages where cavemen fought it out with bone clubs. Even if the courts are not perfect (and they never will be) matters are best settled in court.

Man oh man do my articles just randomly flick from one subject to the next as thoughts enter my adhd mind and deviate from the original title. Must try harder to get the articles edited and structured and maybe then i could sell them to the press magazines.

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