Its a choice between Intention and Action. To answer this question is to know if Islam or Judaism are the truth. The world is in a mess for sure. Is the way to fix it pragmatism or is it through setting the perfect example? is setting the perfect example self righteousness? Is being prepared to break the rules and go to hell for it for the sake of bettering the world the true righteous intention as Machiavellis the prince would say? Difficult questions indeed. Is the jews pragmatism the way forward or is it the islamic self example as i have always assumed? One of them is hell the other is heaven. Which to choose as my position?
Like always i cant help conclude the best safest choice is to not choose at all and refuse the fruit from the tree of knowledge alltogether. Perhaps asking these questions is the symtom of the disease itsself. All we can do is take the safest option and not choose until we have more knowledge. In the meantime all we can do is do what little we can to make the world a better place with acts of kindness towards fellow man and not judge him as good/bad until we know if we ourselves are good/bad. To fear God is always the safest way forward and to know my cognative theoretical limits rather than jumping onto a belief sytem without question and risk causing harm to others through self ignorance. I just hope judgement day does not arive before i make up my mind for good whos team im on if any.
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