Wednesday 18 July 2012

Whats the difference between Judaism and Islam

Both are monotheistic religions as per original scripture. The dead sea scroll museum in jerusalem holds the oldest fragment of parchment that reads "There is no god but god" from pre jesus times. Both religions teach the same pre jesus prophets. Both religions teach goodness to your neighbour and basic ethics. i should note here i do believe there is a big difference between talmid judaism and torah judaism. Talmudic judaism is very rabbi centered and mystical in nature. Also zionism has no place in torah judaism in the sence that it is practiced today. if you assume torah judaism is the truth it logically follows the Israeli state is the jewish equivalant of the secular califate which would rule it legitimate even if they are kazaar decendents. Today however even if you assume the torah is the one true religion Israel is not acting as an ethical state should and so true "zionism" aka secular jewish state is not practiced today by jews. Zionism simply means "The jewish Cause" and is only wrong if the ethics of the state are wrong. What im getting at is zionism and torah may well be the truth but not as zionism is understood and practiced today by the vast majority of jews. Religious States are not neccesarilly the same as the false idol of unquestioning nationalism. I dont know for sure if Israel is mainly ruled by atheist jews or religious jews or a mix but Israel sure is its own worst enemy. Killing over land is unethical full stop. If  The jewish community and world had spent as much building the arabs a new state in sinai peninsula or the negev desert as they have spent on trying to remain in millitary control of the state the problem would have been over decades ago. Someone needs to draw a big line down the middle of the map and have the UN inbetween. Israel will always exist no matter how much the arabs spit fire and stir revolution. The fact is Israel is nuclear armed and attempting to over run a nuclear armed state is suicide and impossible without total obliteration and contamination of both sides. You cant defend against Israels new nuke submarines supplied by germany recently. The leaders of israel i am confident will press the button if it looks like the state is falling into arab hands. No good can come of the current position of the arabs. The arabs need to accept they lost the long war right or wrong and find a new home and life. If i were a jew i would also probably not let the arabs share power since there is too much vengfull feelings from years of occupation towards the jews who will soon be a demographic tiny minority. The demographics cannot be changed with arabs breeding as they do and the only solution that will work is two states since jews will be at risk in a one state solution. Not because the palestinians are born terrorists but because all societys in history are vengefull. If the jews dont compromise soon and create a second state they are going to push their own demographic destruction or armageddon. Why they dont understand this i dont know. Maybe they are thinking they will solve the demographics with nukes...God help us if that is true. I always hated the saying "Jordan Yes, Israel No" but sadly it is the only option if the world does not want to see total nuclear obliteration of The Region and Maybe beyond. The UN needs to build the palestinians a new state in the Southern Sinai Desert and Have Anouther Egyptian Bedoin State as a nutural buffer zone state in the north Sinai. An Israeli Controlled Jordan (Its already got a puppet) Should Also Occupy the Golan Heights and all the northern border of Israel to buffer Syria and Lebanon from a war with Israel....Radical Problems Require Radical Solutions that wont make everybody happy!

Geez got off topic there a bit....Whats the difference between Judaism and Islam?.....Not a lot other than rabbi-ism as far as i can see. Never liked the idea of organised religious clergy. From what i understand though rabbi-ism is very talmudic only. The original torah teaching was strict monotheism. You cant judge a religions theology by its followers actions i always say.
The Other major difference is that the jewish community are famous for their bad temper, rude manners allo, ma zey? makara? Yella Yella! bla bla but like i say you cant judge the religion on its claimed followers. The jewish comminity are no doubt a little bit difficult due to the culture of paranoia from Israeli fear mongering politics and media. Israels has a war economy and that is bound to drive people insane with post traumatic stress disorder after decades of conflict. Even some rabbis admit half the jewish population have Post traumatic stress disorder. Which is why i think i see these  traits in myself sometimes.

More on this topic later.....

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