Sunday 22 July 2012

What is a fascist govt?

Traditionaly im told it is defined by the merging of business and state. However i suspect the definition depends on whos side your on of course. Do we have a govt that can be called fascist?
Well there is one thing for sure and that is the Rich prioritize the rich and the poor get thrown the bones. Capitalism is based on the idea that profit is channeled back to the wealthy and that this wealth will trickle down to the middle and lower classes. it is probably true that channeling wealth back to the rich does have huge efficiency benefits in some areas compared to channeling the wealth equally to the poor. The trickle down claim is very dubious but im not an economist to know the statistics on that. The problem we have today is that the rulling rich elite will not recognise that they have taken self preservation as a class way to far. It is said the first rule of power is learning how to stay in power. To stay in power in a capitalist system you must dominate in the currency of capitalist power; CAPITAL!. I can understand this practical reality but today the rich seem to stupid to understand that they could still practice 99% capitalism if they just paid a 1% insurance on their rule!. Instead it seems greed and idiological fanaticism have taken hold and the rulling class are unable to see that their own inflexible idiology that the rulling class have a right to self interest desisions too is what is going to be their downfall one day. If only they would just take a tiny percentage of their uber wealth and invest it in preventing a revolution by introducing a tobin tax on the shadow banking system they would secure their rule at least for a time. I fear however greed will get the better of them and their inflexible ideology will lead to a mass unrest. Un unfair society is probably neccesary for practical reasons and keeping power, however a grossly unfair society is a curse to everybody. Fascism is just a propaganda term today thats meaningless. Is our govt unjust should be the question and the answer is yes even if you are a pragmatist and can see the need for a class system and massive wealth at the top. What can be done about it? Well the bbc lately are making some strange noises about taxing the offshore banking sector and they are also making noises about bailing out the people rather than the banks too. Suprising noises indeed from the rulling elite!. the rulling class must be so desperate perhaps they are starting to see some common sense survival value in balancing the system a little more in the direction of the common people. Maybe their is hope on the horizon for green shoots of change in our capitalist system after all and its comming from the rulling class of all places!. it just takes desperation in the rulling class to make them see their own interests and seat of power are at stake.

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