Tuesday 10 July 2012

Asaiah Berlins Negative Liberty VS Leftist Values and Marxist Revolution Theory

Are we all inately destined to be carers and sharers or does the individual rule supreme in human rights. Up to know i would have said negative liberty sucked badely and was the protectionism of the elite. But what if the ideal of community is oppresive as hayeks road to surfdom proposed? What if you lived under the communist manifesto which dictates a world of la la land caring and sharing where the individuals ideas of religion are forbidden? Communism sounds idealistic on the surface but when you think what it would be like to live in a world where all individuals dreams are banned and you must be resigned to the collective borg flocks will it could be a nightmare where your ambitions are denied. I can see the libertarian point of view here for sure but what capitalism offers also seems to be a destitute poor working class. If only capitalism was not so idealistic itself and focused on assuring nobody at the bottom suffered their would be no cycle of revolutions between capitalism and socialists. capitalism has big benefits in that it explodes material standards but it is also seld destructive when it refuses to take out an insurance policy on keeping the poor at a reasonable standard of living. That said i would argue that anyone who recieves benefits and his rent paid by others has no reason to complain. Even the standard of living on benefits is way higher than african poverty. Its all relative. People sure dont have a right to kill people whilst complaining of poverty and oppresion from the ruling class when they own a flat screen tv, have an internet connection and 3 meals a day. Poverty is relative and this century we never had it so good. I like communism as far as iradicating poverty goes but revolutionary marxism needs to take a trip to africa and see what real poverty is before they try to justify revoluttion and killing the ruling class for a few more megapixels on their flat screen tv's. Scripture forbids envy and jelousy. If you are on the brink of death and suffering its anouther matter but UK social security is in my opinion adequate. The problem is that education and jobs are not seen as a human right. If the ruling class would only guarantee a job life would not be so stressfull. Why not put millions in the allotments planting govt funded potatoe seeds. One man can plant hundreds of potatoe seeds in a day, enough potatoes in one day to last one year.....oh no, that would be socialism!!!!! If only negative liberty were not so rigid it could avoid revolution by just helping the poor to help themselves!.Its no fun not working but the reality of life is it takes money and not just a work ethic to build a business. How can you help yourself when you spend all day stratergising how to survive on benefit! Im not saying life on benefit is easy, im just saying it could be worse and it could also better if the govt allowed people enough surplus to help themselves. Yes life on benefits sucks but its no excuse to go slaughtering the ruling class no matter how much you despise them for creating an unfare society where so many suffer. As Islam says, the greatest jihad is to speak the truth to an oppressor. Maybe i will become a writer if i find writting this blog is theraputic. In summary communism sucks, Negative liberty has some good points but is also to mercyless for its own survival, solution as always is to stay the hell away from mankinds tendency for carnage and take care of number one. Whatever you choose to do in life will inevitably be insignificant in the grand scheme of 7 billion people. All you can do is find a nieche and help your neighbours and family a little. The world is going to hell and i intend to stay in reclusive mode to survive the comming turmoil best i can until the world economy purges all the debt and starts again in 2013 when i can probably find a job on a govt back to work new deal program.

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