Sunday, 22 July 2012

Socialists and Marxist revolutionaries and the govt as their enemy

What a mess this world is in. As the cycle of socialism vs capitalism rolls on towards impending doom it would seem both sides need a dose of reality to head off a potential mass revolution in the west. Theier is some truth to be found in karl marx's communist manifesto. The borgoise are destined to swollow the middle class to surive and grow ever and ever bigger companies that need to forever grow themselves to survive. Unregulated Laise faire capitalism is a parasite on the society as we have come to see in 2008. But like richard branson said; "Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater" when reaasessing capitalism. capitalism has huge benefits materialy and that translates to benefits in many areas of life when you unlock the human selfish tendency. Marxism also has its good points. I have always thought of myself as a "socialist" simply because i see a lot of the worlds problems can be tied to a total lack of collective cooperation and a lack of caring for fellow man. I associate the word "socialist" with "caring person". i think a lot of people lable themselves socialist simply on this shallow basis. No education in socialism is required for most of the population. Like with religion if you ask someone why they call themselves a "christian" many people give themselves this label not because they are knowledgable of christian theology but because the associate "Good person" with "Christian". Capitalists propbably associate capitalism with "freedom of opportunity" or something alike. Today the govt are terrified of socialists who believe that violence is the only solution to a class war and the govt witch hunt a fear has little understanding of just how fragile most peoples links to socialism are. Most peoples link is simply associating "caring person" with socialist!. Im sure the same goes with the "socialists" demonising all capitalists as "banksters". There is definately a strong risk of class war in a society with a big rich/poor gap. It seems to me both capitalism and socialism has its extreemists. People willing to remove all bounderies to enforce their ideology. Revolutionary socialists are when you think about it a bit of a joke. They live in a western world that gives them the highest standard of living on the planet and whilst the dole might not be much fun their is no shortage of africans who would cut off their arm to get free living costs provided by the govt and no work expected in return. You simply cant claim you are in a state of suffering so extreem that you have no choice but to kill the rulling class and take power from them when you have your accomodation paid for and three meals a day. This "suffering" would make any poor african fall over laughing. Despite this reality their are still always going to be people who find a pschological scapegoat for their own problems in life and blame all their frustrations on the govt by spinning socialist principles to suit their own agenda of wanting to fight the govt and punish them for their problems so they can feel better. People do this with religion too obviously and far right nationalism always increases in hard economic times since people are seeking someone to blame for their inability to adapt and survive. On the other extreem you have people who are so hard core atheist that they create atheism into a religion where since they believe there is no god they conclude that their is no right and wrong and the only morality that exists is serving the self and its ego. This mentality inevitably breeds people with no social or ethical bounderies when it comes to making money. The rules to them are human created barriers based on ignorance of reality. Selfishness is seen as a virtue and the effects of selfish capitalism on the wider society is totally ignored by the elite in the name of laise faire totally deregulation of the banks. Their is no doubt unregulated capitalism is also an extreem danger ideology to society as a whole since it creates an ever expanding rich poor gap which leads to revolution throughout history and many people dying from the destruction of the working and middle class. I dont have the answer to what is better than extreem capitalism or extreem socialism i only know that if both sides just removed their extreemist ideological fringe and compromised just a tiny bit to find a hybrid capitalist socialist system it would at least delay revolution and buy more time to develop a new financial system that is sustainable and does not lead to revolution. Seperating speculative banking from day to day banking is a start. Even if our capitalist system implodes the solution is not to join in a futile revolution no matter how bad conditions get. The best solution is to simply become a refugee and try to set up a life of self sufficiency in the countryside. Any revolution will always end up with a class society or tyranical utopian share evrything and be forced into wearing flowers in your hair whilst standing in a cirle holding hands with your neighbours singing "Love is all we need" socialism. No Thanks i grew out of idealist hippy values years ago when i realised a functioning society cannot live on love and friendship alone! It maybe a womans dream to live in such a gay loving and caring world but its the nighmare of many who dont want to live on a diet consisting of 100% idealistic peace and love and nievity. Capitalism has major benefits to wider society and its time socialists recognised this rather than turning socialism into a religion like deregulated capitalists have done with "the markets adjust themselves if nobody interfears". " If you have no class system whos going to want to do the toilet cleaning jobs? I hate classism, but i cant imagine how a society functions without class. Your not going to declass the minds of millions overnight. In an ideal world their would be no class, but also their is no such thing as a world that does not have pros and cons whatever system of govt you choose to adopt.

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