Sunday 22 July 2012

Mothers words were wise, but i always new better

My mum and dad always tried to stear me clear of politics and engaging in controversy. They repeatedly said i should engage in life not online politics. Unfortunately i was always a passionate supporter of justice which led me to stick my head out on every issue i felt strongly about on the internet. I now realise my mother simply looking out for my best intrests. i always saw my mums attitude to life as a bit cowardly but now i see things differently. Their are many battles in life and you have to choose your battles wisely and not fight every battle you come across. Its not cowardly to remain silent at injustice when you are a mouse and the abuser is a mountain, its just smart policy that will keep you strong for the battles you can win. if only we had all listened to our parents advice and not thought we knew better. My years on the net have also been a way of avoiding the real issues on my mind. I need to go back to the life i once had when i was backpacking and meet new people and build a network of friends again. Ive been in my hole about 7 years now and cant afford to waste anymore of my life. I still pehaps have 30+ years to do something with my life again. I think my best option is to go back to starting my own jewellery business. It can be done on the relative cheap over a couple of years maybe with hard work. I should not have given up so easily before. Its not my long term dream to be tied to a jewellery company but i can see it as a bridge to getting the catamaran i dream of owning one day floating around the med planting crops on remote islands, fishing and living 90% self sufficient. I can use my amature web design skills to start a charter boat website and revive my diving skills with a little investment. I can also use the boat to do charitable work like helping out tunisian refugees stuck on italian islands. i could take them supplies like tents etc i buy cheaply in car booty sales on the mainland. bla bla bla, just dreaming as usual. Its a long way away financially but ill get their one day with more effort and self disaplin.

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