Monday, 23 July 2012

Richard Dawkins Spectrum Of Theistic probability Rating

Dawkins posits that "the existence of God is a scientific hypothesis like any other." He goes on to propose a continuous "spectrum of probabilities" between two extremes of opposite certainty, which can be represented by seven "milestones". Dawkins suggests definitive statements to summarize one's place along the spectrum of theistic probability. These "milestones" are:[2]
  1. Strong theist. 100 per cent probability of God. In the words of C.G. Jung: "I do not believe, I know."
  2. De facto theist. Very high probability but short of 100 per cent. "I don't know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there."
  3. Leaning towards theism. Higher than 50 per cent but not very high. "I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God."
  4. Completely impartial. Exactly 50 per cent. "God's existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable."
  5. Leaning towards atheism. Lower than 50 per cent but not very low. "I do not know whether God exists but I'm inclined to be skeptical."
  6. De facto atheist. Very low probability, but short of zero. "I don't know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there."
  7. Strong atheist. "I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung knows there is one."
Im about a 2 or more accurately 3 on the dawkins scale at this time of my life....

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Who rules the uk?

A question ive always wondered about. There is no doubt we are a satalite state of the usa. That partly answers the question. The rulling elite of uk also has a strong russian jewish factor from when the ussr broke up and also the bolshavik revolution saw many jews flee to uk. Jewish power in business is enormous and on a scale only people who have done research can appreciate. But do jews run uk? No, Nobody runs uk exclusively, the uk rulling class is made up of thousands of powerfull figures and yes many of them are dispraportionatly jews for their demographic. No one person is king and cooperation as an oligarthy on shared interest of keeping the middle class under control is essential for groups survival. It is not unfair to say the jews also hold most of the key positions of power and influence no matter what the people who throw "anti semite!" into the debate say. facts are just facts to those like me who have done thousands of hours research as a bad habbit hobby campigning for palestine. The jewish community can be notoriously ethnocentric but that said so are the muslims and any other group which always favours "their own kind". But the difference is that talmud takes ethnocentricm as religion and other faiths simply have no such belief theology. Its impossible to put a figure or know just how much power the jews have in the uk but what can be said is that it is hugely influencial to say the least in all the key sectors and even gordon brown the prime minister admited this fact. What concerns me is not that jews are all powerfull in the uk but that their are obviously some jews in power that have very nasty tendencies to be ethnocentric and dam right racist and bounderyless in ethics. Pure pragmatists who will justify any means for an end result. These racist jews believe in an elite blood line theory just like hitlers arian race elitism theory. This i concider a big danger to society as it creates injustice and an arrogant elite who think they are uberman master race. Not all jews think this way of course but many do. What can be done about these unsavory charectures dominating our system of govt? Once again...bugger all! They have a hold on power that wont ever be removed until they clash with the Chinese empire. I dont have a problem with jews rulling over me, i just have a problem when those jews are so racist they go all out to put other equally racist jews in positions of power simply because they have the right kind of blood. This i find grossly unfair to other ethnic groups jockying for power in our govt system.  A secular system is not supposed to favour one group. As long as they dont try to stop me practicing whatever religion i choose and dont start persecuting me they have forfilled their duty as ruller of state to enforce secular negative liberty. They can have their ignorant racist ideas if they like and they can even have that argumentative hell hole of a state called Israel too just as long as they dont tread on my toes and try to stop me living my life and escaping this dying country to live in the sun. Such people will inevitably come unstuck and they dont need me as an enemy to experience bad karma for seeking only justice for one ethnic group. They can only grow their ethnocentric power so much before the ethnocentricm becomes obvious to all in the population. This factor keeps the uk relatively safe from fascist tiranical rule since these racists are a tiny small demographic number that cannot dominate openly and have to rely on peoples ignorance of power structures. Yes they can build empires with just a few people but they can never teach their racist ideology to the people openly without revealing their sick master race mentality ideas.  Ive wasted way too much time campaigning for justice in Israel/Palestine and Israel will no doubt end in nuclear war one day and nothing i can say or do will persuade the racist zionists that their determination to have a racially pure state is going to be what gets them and maybe all of us wiped out one day. Campaigning on the Israel Issue is a garanteed way to spend a lot of time achieving nothing. Israel has nukes and they are here to stay. The "Peace process" will continue of course for anouther 60+ years despite the army of activists who are like me destined to waste years of their lives trying to change the unchangable. All we can do is try to persuade the israelis that it is in their interest to create a new arab state in sinai for the palestinians and to help pay for the cost of building it too! Either that or give up controlling the jordan presidency and let the palistinians use jordan as their state but it must be sovereign without Israeli puppets!. Im not for creating "States" and "nationalisms" but when global nuclear war is at stake ill make a practical exception to the rule. The arabs should also agree to a state in a new location in return for a guarantee Israel will bloody behave itself for a change and get its war based economy under control. The increasing numbers of moderate jews for a two state solution is a promising sign.

What is a fascist govt?

Traditionaly im told it is defined by the merging of business and state. However i suspect the definition depends on whos side your on of course. Do we have a govt that can be called fascist?
Well there is one thing for sure and that is the Rich prioritize the rich and the poor get thrown the bones. Capitalism is based on the idea that profit is channeled back to the wealthy and that this wealth will trickle down to the middle and lower classes. it is probably true that channeling wealth back to the rich does have huge efficiency benefits in some areas compared to channeling the wealth equally to the poor. The trickle down claim is very dubious but im not an economist to know the statistics on that. The problem we have today is that the rulling rich elite will not recognise that they have taken self preservation as a class way to far. It is said the first rule of power is learning how to stay in power. To stay in power in a capitalist system you must dominate in the currency of capitalist power; CAPITAL!. I can understand this practical reality but today the rich seem to stupid to understand that they could still practice 99% capitalism if they just paid a 1% insurance on their rule!. Instead it seems greed and idiological fanaticism have taken hold and the rulling class are unable to see that their own inflexible idiology that the rulling class have a right to self interest desisions too is what is going to be their downfall one day. If only they would just take a tiny percentage of their uber wealth and invest it in preventing a revolution by introducing a tobin tax on the shadow banking system they would secure their rule at least for a time. I fear however greed will get the better of them and their inflexible ideology will lead to a mass unrest. Un unfair society is probably neccesary for practical reasons and keeping power, however a grossly unfair society is a curse to everybody. Fascism is just a propaganda term today thats meaningless. Is our govt unjust should be the question and the answer is yes even if you are a pragmatist and can see the need for a class system and massive wealth at the top. What can be done about it? Well the bbc lately are making some strange noises about taxing the offshore banking sector and they are also making noises about bailing out the people rather than the banks too. Suprising noises indeed from the rulling elite!. the rulling class must be so desperate perhaps they are starting to see some common sense survival value in balancing the system a little more in the direction of the common people. Maybe their is hope on the horizon for green shoots of change in our capitalist system after all and its comming from the rulling class of all places!. it just takes desperation in the rulling class to make them see their own interests and seat of power are at stake.

Mothers words were wise, but i always new better

My mum and dad always tried to stear me clear of politics and engaging in controversy. They repeatedly said i should engage in life not online politics. Unfortunately i was always a passionate supporter of justice which led me to stick my head out on every issue i felt strongly about on the internet. I now realise my mother simply looking out for my best intrests. i always saw my mums attitude to life as a bit cowardly but now i see things differently. Their are many battles in life and you have to choose your battles wisely and not fight every battle you come across. Its not cowardly to remain silent at injustice when you are a mouse and the abuser is a mountain, its just smart policy that will keep you strong for the battles you can win. if only we had all listened to our parents advice and not thought we knew better. My years on the net have also been a way of avoiding the real issues on my mind. I need to go back to the life i once had when i was backpacking and meet new people and build a network of friends again. Ive been in my hole about 7 years now and cant afford to waste anymore of my life. I still pehaps have 30+ years to do something with my life again. I think my best option is to go back to starting my own jewellery business. It can be done on the relative cheap over a couple of years maybe with hard work. I should not have given up so easily before. Its not my long term dream to be tied to a jewellery company but i can see it as a bridge to getting the catamaran i dream of owning one day floating around the med planting crops on remote islands, fishing and living 90% self sufficient. I can use my amature web design skills to start a charter boat website and revive my diving skills with a little investment. I can also use the boat to do charitable work like helping out tunisian refugees stuck on italian islands. i could take them supplies like tents etc i buy cheaply in car booty sales on the mainland. bla bla bla, just dreaming as usual. Its a long way away financially but ill get their one day with more effort and self disaplin.

Socialists and Marxist revolutionaries and the govt as their enemy

What a mess this world is in. As the cycle of socialism vs capitalism rolls on towards impending doom it would seem both sides need a dose of reality to head off a potential mass revolution in the west. Theier is some truth to be found in karl marx's communist manifesto. The borgoise are destined to swollow the middle class to surive and grow ever and ever bigger companies that need to forever grow themselves to survive. Unregulated Laise faire capitalism is a parasite on the society as we have come to see in 2008. But like richard branson said; "Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater" when reaasessing capitalism. capitalism has huge benefits materialy and that translates to benefits in many areas of life when you unlock the human selfish tendency. Marxism also has its good points. I have always thought of myself as a "socialist" simply because i see a lot of the worlds problems can be tied to a total lack of collective cooperation and a lack of caring for fellow man. I associate the word "socialist" with "caring person". i think a lot of people lable themselves socialist simply on this shallow basis. No education in socialism is required for most of the population. Like with religion if you ask someone why they call themselves a "christian" many people give themselves this label not because they are knowledgable of christian theology but because the associate "Good person" with "Christian". Capitalists propbably associate capitalism with "freedom of opportunity" or something alike. Today the govt are terrified of socialists who believe that violence is the only solution to a class war and the govt witch hunt a fear has little understanding of just how fragile most peoples links to socialism are. Most peoples link is simply associating "caring person" with socialist!. Im sure the same goes with the "socialists" demonising all capitalists as "banksters". There is definately a strong risk of class war in a society with a big rich/poor gap. It seems to me both capitalism and socialism has its extreemists. People willing to remove all bounderies to enforce their ideology. Revolutionary socialists are when you think about it a bit of a joke. They live in a western world that gives them the highest standard of living on the planet and whilst the dole might not be much fun their is no shortage of africans who would cut off their arm to get free living costs provided by the govt and no work expected in return. You simply cant claim you are in a state of suffering so extreem that you have no choice but to kill the rulling class and take power from them when you have your accomodation paid for and three meals a day. This "suffering" would make any poor african fall over laughing. Despite this reality their are still always going to be people who find a pschological scapegoat for their own problems in life and blame all their frustrations on the govt by spinning socialist principles to suit their own agenda of wanting to fight the govt and punish them for their problems so they can feel better. People do this with religion too obviously and far right nationalism always increases in hard economic times since people are seeking someone to blame for their inability to adapt and survive. On the other extreem you have people who are so hard core atheist that they create atheism into a religion where since they believe there is no god they conclude that their is no right and wrong and the only morality that exists is serving the self and its ego. This mentality inevitably breeds people with no social or ethical bounderies when it comes to making money. The rules to them are human created barriers based on ignorance of reality. Selfishness is seen as a virtue and the effects of selfish capitalism on the wider society is totally ignored by the elite in the name of laise faire totally deregulation of the banks. Their is no doubt unregulated capitalism is also an extreem danger ideology to society as a whole since it creates an ever expanding rich poor gap which leads to revolution throughout history and many people dying from the destruction of the working and middle class. I dont have the answer to what is better than extreem capitalism or extreem socialism i only know that if both sides just removed their extreemist ideological fringe and compromised just a tiny bit to find a hybrid capitalist socialist system it would at least delay revolution and buy more time to develop a new financial system that is sustainable and does not lead to revolution. Seperating speculative banking from day to day banking is a start. Even if our capitalist system implodes the solution is not to join in a futile revolution no matter how bad conditions get. The best solution is to simply become a refugee and try to set up a life of self sufficiency in the countryside. Any revolution will always end up with a class society or tyranical utopian share evrything and be forced into wearing flowers in your hair whilst standing in a cirle holding hands with your neighbours singing "Love is all we need" socialism. No Thanks i grew out of idealist hippy values years ago when i realised a functioning society cannot live on love and friendship alone! It maybe a womans dream to live in such a gay loving and caring world but its the nighmare of many who dont want to live on a diet consisting of 100% idealistic peace and love and nievity. Capitalism has major benefits to wider society and its time socialists recognised this rather than turning socialism into a religion like deregulated capitalists have done with "the markets adjust themselves if nobody interfears". " If you have no class system whos going to want to do the toilet cleaning jobs? I hate classism, but i cant imagine how a society functions without class. Your not going to declass the minds of millions overnight. In an ideal world their would be no class, but also their is no such thing as a world that does not have pros and cons whatever system of govt you choose to adopt.

Whats it like to have adhd?

Well first off although i have an official diagnosis for adhd i would have to say i almost certainly have other conditions too. I suspect i am an aspee (autistic aspergers). i was also diagnosed with dyslexia as a child although i dont think im dyslexic. I also have sleep problems and am supposed to use a breathing machine and facemask when i remember. I definately have some OCD mixed into my brain too as do other family members and i have a secret obsession with numbers and dates that if i told anyone the system they would think i was barking mad so i keep that to myself since im in control of it enough to hide it. Getting a diagnosis for a mental condition can be very hit and miss since the symtoms of the different conditions you can have widely overlap and it can be hard for doctors to tell one condition from the other. Having adhd drives you insane. quite literally. You can see yourself making the errors as you get older yet have little to no power to correct the symptoms. Being aware of my distractability makes me angry with myself for being distractable yet unable to fix it. My working memory is also very bad. The major symptom is not being able to take anything people are saying to you in easily. Like deaf people i have learned to just sub consciously nod in the correct places when people are talking to me to disguise the fact that my mind is miles away thinking about platos cave analogy whilst my mum is reading off a list of instructions i must follow. Its not that i dont care what people are saying its just that the chemicals in my brain do not work properly and a cannot resist the urge for my mind to wonder when its supposed to be listening and its very hard to switch my focus from one thing onto anouther.  Im not conscious when im nodding in the right places, its just a habbit i obviously use to cope with having to hide my disability. I often ask a question to someone and my brain is away instantly the moment my sentence is done and i simply dont take in the answer and have to ask again. Sometimes i also forget i already asked the question and people think im mad. I also regulary try to pay shop keepers my bill twice without realising. I sometimes find myself in a place with no recollection of why i went there. I often pace the room when stressed up and down up and down just thinking too hard. I often get up during the night multiple times to eat or go to the loo or drink something. Sometimes i sleepwalk but not often. I could spend all day listing my symptoms. Its like having your thoughts turned up to full volume and full strength focus energy and all else is drowned out and impossible to take in because the volume is too loud. I struggle to stop my brain from being very introverted and stuck inside. Its very hard to focus on external stimuli and i feel bombarded by my senses and overwhelmed with daily living and life. There is just too much to think about and keep track of. In short i struggle to switch my attention from one thing to the next. One minute my brain is hyperfocused like a lazer beam with obsessive energy that can keep me up all night thinking about whatever the perticular obsession of the time is the next minute my brain goes far too slow and im in a haze and feeling punch drunk with lowered inhibitions yet thinking on a frequency that allows me to see social patterns on a wide scale and things others cannot see because their brains are on a different wave type. Sometimes my haze is so bad that im thinking about being in a certain scene like at a party or something and my body or mouth actually acts it out as if im actually there and i pause to wonder if anyone noticed my strange behavior. It does not happen often and mostly when im alone at home fantasising about something. Its just that my thoughts can get so intense and loud the brain just for a second gets confused and acts as if my daydream is real and i for example wave to someone in my thoughts to say hello or laugh at something they said to me in my head. My sockpuppet tick hand sometimes also appears too but this has not happened for quite a while now. Its just like a wierd mental urge and desire to put up my left hand like an emu and then wiggle my fingers. It happens only if i get very stressed. My adhd means I simply have no middle gears only gears 1 and 5. The only way i know how to excell at something is to deliberately not try to resist getting obsessed with something. If im not obsessed i know myself well enough that i will simply get bored and drop out. My concept of time is obviously different from other peoples i have come to realise. I also realise my body is not fully in touch with my brain. Last year i broke my arm and ten minutes later i was carrying my shopping with it in the town until i decided to cycle to casualty to get it checked and the plaster casted it. I did not need painkillers for it since my brain simply is not fully connected to my body. Organising my life due to lack of planning ability is hard and i have no routine. I struggle on bad days just to make a cup of tea for a family visitor. Its easy to get demotivated when you see even your best efforts dont cure your distractability. I also have impulse control problems when not focused but this is getting better with age. So far i only succedded in one thing and that was getting my scuba diving instructor qualification. Learning to addapt is proving difficult for me as i seem to have had a period of worsening mental health since a bang on the head some years ago. In short adhd is not knowing weather you are comming or going...Its like watching events flash past you not knowing if its night or day. A kind of state of confusion when it comes to the concept of time.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Freedom - What is True Freedom?

What is freedom? Is it owned by one religion or philosophy? Is it good or bad?

Ive come to think that freedom is universal and practical. Ive always seen islam as teaching the opposite of freedom....subbmision to god in the past. I still think this is true and the scripture confirms this yet this does not neccesarilly mean freedom is not part of islam. Mohammed encouraged a secular state including other faiths in the saudi town of madina. It would seem this does not mean mohammed said people should seek freedom from god however. Islam teaches that muslims must follow muslim rules of quran but at the same time allow everyone the freedom to choose which rules and religion they want to live by. Islam is an ideal for people to adopt or not. If you adopt it it will be good for you of course and if you dont choose to be muslim im pretty sure you wont make it to heaven. But the fact is mohammed taught freedom.....real freedom! where evryone can by definition BE FREE to choose what religion they want and live by it. Sadly the world we live in today is far from free and people are trying to eliminate religions just the same as fundamentalist religious people are trying to eliminate other competing religions.

Best option is to build a private yaught and escape the madness and tirany of this world. Become a pirate on your own dive boat and live how you want without interfearance from anyone. I dream of going back to my scuba diving career. trouble is it takes money.

No running for me - crosstrainer instead

Natural selection

Richard dawkins has a good point about natural selection. No doubt there is some truth in it or at least a modified form of the theory. i must learn more about this as its not something i really understood the first time round. even if it were true does this rule out a creator? i dont think science knows jack shit about what actually happened at big bang. they even admit this themselves sometimes. If evolution and natural selection are correct it still does not explain why this process came into existence.

Is there a right and wrong?

yes i believe their probably is. but does this mean some humans can see the right and the wrong? NO. right and wrong are something external to us and our limited cognitive brains cannot always fathom right from wrong. Its a learning process we never finnish or complete. Right and wrong are something we drift in and out of depending on our intentions and actions. Thats the way i see it anyway.

Darwin Dawkins Evolution Natural Selection and Agnosticism

Pfffwwwww.Where to begin? Just finnished watching some vids on youtube. On was by richard dawkins the famous atheist guy called "The blind watchmaker" the other was called "secular believers". Ill start with secular believers. I like many people who are religious get sick of bieng pigion holed into a certain catagory of believer by non believers. Many non believers automatically assume your religious because you are weak minded and want to believe. The truth however is very different for many. No doubt this applys to some believers but with myself i believe in a gog because it sounds more rational than atheists do on some specifics. In the video there was a woman called tricia who was the only person in the vid i related to. She was obviously a caring person since she actively campaigns for good charity causes yet she "thinks its unlikely a god exists". This attitude i find refreshing and have no problem with. Its the attitude of "I KNOW that there is no God" from atheists i have always found blindly arrogant. The jury is not out on the existance of god by a long shot! So many people (religious people included) state their "belief" as a FACT, yet no group can ever prove or dissprove the existance of god!. On official forms i often put down im an agnostic since i understand the term means someone who chooses not to choose! ie someone who does not assume they know it all and will never change their mind if some better evidence comes to their attention. The humanists who say "they dont know" and "try to do good" are the people i respect and they are probably the true righteous humble people god likes. Not everyone has the oportunity to become a scholar and not everyone has the brain for it either (myself included). Theology is incredibly complex and to claim you have figured it all out shows you know ZERO about theology.You can take educated guesses and be very confident in your position no probs, but to be so arrogant as to suggest you are sure even when people like einstein were never sure is gross ignorance. Ill never know for sure if God exists and i dont have the time to study knowing that after 100 years of study ill never be 100% sure. The best anyone can do is to practice the golden rule of all faiths and do unto others as one would want for onesself. Even the quran states that nobody but god knows the true interpretation of quran so anyone willing to join in with the fundamentalists obviously has no fear that god will punish them when they get their interpretation wrong. heres my take on what i think the truth probably is:

Agnostic (non arrogant chooses not to choose and wants to do good and learn more)
Atheist (Hates organised religion because its tribalism and causes war)
Muslim Monotheist (understands monotheism and hates tribalism)
Jewish Monotheist (Hates symbols, stautues, saints etc hates tribalism and jewish blood line theory)
Christian monotheist (Worships god, rejects worshipping jesus, accepts jesus as a prophet of god)

All of the above are probably righteous people who will go to heaven assuming god exists since they accept the central teaching of monotheism which started with abraham. thee shalt not take gods beside god! (The first commandment) THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE TOO. DURRRRH!

mankind has a nasty habbit of setting up idols like statues, worshipping humans as saints and creating religious hiararchys, thinking rocks have special powers and generally assigning a super natural power to anything in the creation. This act in islam is known as shirk and is the anti of "monotheism" which all religions claim to follow. Monotheism is found in all the groups above. The people who understand that it is the act of shirk that is the catalist of what causes the need to label each other!.

Example: As soon as someone says "This guys a saint in our religion" it means those who know hes deviated from monotheistic example are forced to dissacociate their belief from his and call him some other label. (A new religion is born!) This is how lables originate! When people deviate from the truth that THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE TRUTH AND ONE GOD. It is human ignorance of the monotheist principle that causes us to create different tribes and lables when in fact the truth is these lables dont exist in gods eyes. You are either righteous of lost in shirk in gods eyes. If a christian says he choses to call himself a christian because to him he associates the word christian with "a good person" will he go to hell for not knowing theology? Of course not! his intention and heart are in the right place but he lacks theological understanding of what it means to be christian.

The quran gives the example of pointing out the example of a person who was judgemental of a non believer and gos on to say something of the jist "do you not remember when you yourself were in that ignorant state"?. It made me think of my early days living in Israel when i wore my favorite dark green "Israel defence force - Special forces" t-shirt o purchaced on ben-yahuda street. I wore it proud and thought the israelis were simply fighting against terrorists.....untill i saw the reality of the collective punishment. Back then i was ignorant of the politics of israel/palestine yet i always had a good intention and heart to want to know the truth. If i were walking through gaza they would have probably shouted kuffr! and shot me dead for wearing such a shirt and justified it as killing an ignorant infidel. It makes you realise that if i expect people to judge me accurately and well i must also do the same for others. It could be that even some of the hardcore zionists are good people at heart and simply ignorant of politics. Pschologists call the act of seperating people into good/evil "Splitting". Its a pschological term for how the primative mind works. It wants to shoebox people into two seperate groups, good and evil, yet study reality and idf t-shirt wearing backpackers in Israel you can conclude the reality of the world is far more complex than meats the mind.

Framing Belief/Unbelief as a choice between creationism and evolution is disshonest. i do believe in evolution and god. Quranis scripture does conform to evolution depending on how you interpret it. maybe torah does too i dont know. Bible however is coorupted beyond repair by human scribes.
But fact is deciding if god exists or doesnt i must face the fact ill never know and can only just do my best for the world that i know how. Im no genius in theology and dont have the background in philosophy etc to come close to claiming that i am qualified to have an opinion people should listen to. All i know is that humans creat tribes through shirk and labeling and i must always remember to never judge people as good/bad since only god knows the persons true label and weather they are a good person or bad person. Even if they are a bad person perhaps they will one day turn good. Its simply not for humans to judge others other than on a purely legal rule of law basis. In a just and civilised state revenge is put aside and disputes are taken to a functioning competant court of law. If everyone believed in vigilante judgement and that they were the courts the world would go back to the ages where cavemen fought it out with bone clubs. Even if the courts are not perfect (and they never will be) matters are best settled in court.

Man oh man do my articles just randomly flick from one subject to the next as thoughts enter my adhd mind and deviate from the original title. Must try harder to get the articles edited and structured and maybe then i could sell them to the press magazines.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Operation get life in order has begun

Just finnished my first morning jog. Only made it round the block once but its a start. will gradually increase the effort over time. jogging hurts the knees so ill do cross trainer in bedroon intead. time to head off to do some gardening work to work off my debt. feeling better already just knowing ive made a start.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

I Need To Stop talking and Doing

For a long time ive spoke about getting a social life. I spend far too much time on the computer looking at news websites all day and worrying about the state of the world. i realise or should i say recognise ive been in denial for some time. ive convinced myself that im just on the web all day because im interested in politics and the worlds issues and religion and philosophy etc. Thats half true. These things do interest me but ive been using them as a way to withdraw from the world and not face up to the depresion i suffer from. I dont easily do well in social groups and never have. My adhd plays a big part but there was once a time when i not just had a life i had a very exiting life travelling all over the world backpacking making friends along the way including tomi, sache, mark etc. Most slowly lost contact over the years partly from me making no effort to retain friendships. I was always content with one or two good friends who were equally reclusive in nature. Although always broke whilst travelling i do have some very good memories of scuba diving, having fun with friends on the beach. the days when i was almost a care free teenager. I was never care free in my 20's. I was still hung over from unhappy school days and probably reserved when it came to letting go at a party. In my teens and 20s i used drugs to self medicate my troubled mind. I always gravitated to intellectual discusions since i saw the world as increasingly mindless. Then came the late twentys and early thirtys.......VOID...WRITE OFF...WHERE DID THEY GO? WHAT DID I DO?. Last thing i remember was comming back from australia broke as usual and falling into melloncolly and now im 35 years old and struggling. About 7 Years wasted where i achieved and did almost zilch apart from a few brief jobs. I think its taken 7 years just to reset my brain from the drugs. When in Oz i quit cold turkey overnight. That was about 10 years ago. No cigarettes, Alcohol, Drugs, NOTHING! on new years eve i just started running and fitness and got realy fit briefly for 3 mths and kept tea total for about a decade. (Strangely enough those 3 mths i concider the best memories of my life working with friends in fruit orchards.  I now need to repeat that effort of ten years ago and spend the next ten years working hard doing anything that makes money to begin with. The dreams will come later with patience. The truth is i need to help myself now before i slip into more depresion and demotivation. Im going to quit this ritalin too like i did all other vices ten years ago before i started on ritalin again this year.  Tmrw i will go for a morning run and that run will signal the start of a long road to good times again. I remember my first run on the 1st of jan the morning after i went tea total in Queensland. Like forest gump, he just started running and he never looked back. Thats the only way i have ever known how to motivate myself. All or nothing mentality.
My mind is so crowded with thoughts i feal so overwealmed. This apparently is typical adhd symptom. the thoughts never go anywhere and nothing gets done because i find it so difficult to understand what thoughts i need to take as priority. It feels like a soup of thoughts revolving that never comes together to form a plan of action. i simply have a seveer planning defecit. I disability ive had all my life that has frankly held me back so much. This is why i write this blog to try and organise and eject all i think about and then try to dispose of all the crap and prioritize the important stuff. People without this problem will probably say...oh everyone feels like that soupy head!. but this is so extreem i struggle at times to make a cup of tea for family and talk at the same time. There is a part of the brain that deals with planning. That part with my brain is simply broken and almost totally non functional.

I just need stop thinking so hard!!!! but i dont know how! its so compulsive and obsessional i struggle a lot. i simply need to try something new. I need to get fit as stage one of mental recovery i dont need to think what stage 2 will be yet but maybe it will be finding a girlfriend again and do stained glass again.

Arrrrrh Ma this is going to be hard studying judaism

just did some brief web surfing on judaism basics. Ive looked at the basics before but naturally i forgot a lot of it. Seems studying judaism will take a lot of work. I learned the basics of Islam over many years and perhaps i forgot it was over many years. Learning a whole bunch of new terms is going to be a task. This will have to be done over time as the bible as we all know is a library not a book like quran. Ill have to just find a way of extracting the major points of belief without reading a library. This is not like quran where islam says this is word for word correct. The bible is famous for its numerous corruptions and it would take a lifetime to work out whats good and whats corrupted altered text. I dont have time to study volumes. I just need the basics of judaism and buddism and atheism and sigmund freud to make up my mind where my loyalties are. Maybe its logical to start with richard dawkins atheism before judaism as thats in modern language on youtube. Im not being dissloyal to God by listening to richard dawkins opinion and theory. Its simply to weigh and concider. The quran encourages investigation and if Islam or Judaism are correct dawkins will likely confirm to me hes wrong. The truth always defeats falsehood for those with an open and honest intellect.

Which Rebbe Sect?

Now ive decided to find out the beliefs of other religions in reasonable detail before jumping in the deep end of religion i need to know which rabbi to learn from.


Whats What? I know the islamic differences but not judaic. Im definatelly not going to learn jack shit from anyone who thinks Israel cant do no wrong and will avoid such people. Will be interesting to meat jews again after so many years to see if my opinions of them are still the same as my memorys of living in Israel. I hope they prove me wrong and i find some moderates voices who are not rampant haters of all muslims.

My mum has often accused me of being racist towards jews despite repeated explanations to her that i disliked only 90% of the Israelis i met and keep an open mind on the others and judge them all as individules. (yes that may sound racist for some but i cant help but admit i found most israelis to be obnoxious. Im not exclusively disliking most Israelis however....I would say most Italians i cant stand either etc etc.  Its just the culture they live in that makes many people into assholes. Sorry but if im honest i just find israeli culture rude and abbrasive and nationalistically fanatical. That said i admit im equally rude and abbrasive at times. There is the saying even jews say: "If you have two jews in a room you will always have two differing opinions".

Maybe Israelis and Jews are two different types culturally however and i will keep an open mind when i visit a synagogue to get a crash course on judaism. I wont judge someone for supporting Israel. After all if i were born into the jewish community chances are i too would see no fault in the national solidarity comfort it provides. Ill just hope they can see things from the palestinian point of view if prompted with articulate words. I need to keep reminding myself we are all just labled when i try to get to know a rabbi and seek a rabbi who understands this principle.

For The First Time

For the first time i can see myself able to rationalise and empathise with the political positions of the zionists. Does that make me one of them? No, Im not ever going to be a zionist in todays sense of the word. Todays Stuborn One State Israel policy is suicidal for everyone. What i can say is that i am starting to realise that the world is much more complex than i gave it credit for. As Michael Portilo taught me....Dont judge until you are prepared to use your brain to provide a better solution than the one on offer. Jews are not as i have previously believed a (Add a whole list of explitives here). They are simply on the opposite end of a spectrum trying like everyone to keep thier community alive in a tribalist world. Many jews are very nationalistic and tribalistic and even racist. And also many are fixated on elite jewish blood line theory which was invented in the last century only by rothschild to justify the new jewish state. I will never agree with people who believe in an elite ethnic race. Black white, rich , poor, the fact is we are all unique in charecture, beliefs, intellectual ability etc. Labels are our own invention to feel superiour over anouther. The jewish religion teaches the seven noahide laws. If you obey the seven noahide laws (which are islamic too) you are a righteous person and will go to heaven. This was the original jewish torah teaching as many rabbis will testify to on youtube. It is only us people who split the world into lables. When we see armageddon it wont be all the people from one specific label ie jews, christians muslims rising to heaven. It will be all the people who God choses as his people. That will be some jews, some muslims, some christians etc etc....

On the noahide laws i cant fault the practicing jews. I myself dont practice any religion which is why i avoid calling myself anything. Im ill diciplined and technically i dont believe i would go to heaven if i died today. I have always been more interested in learning what im going to believe in before i declare myself in the club which is why ive always hesitated at practicing islam. I cant say i believe something if i dont know what it is that im supposed to believe yet. To know what your supposed to believe i first need to study all the religions well. Ive already rulled out christianity and hinduism as irrational theology and the chinese cultures are just supersticion gone mad. The only remainding contendors for truth are islam and judaism and also buddism and god forbid...atheism. Ive always flirted with islam from time to time from a sub conscious need to be in a club and stop thinking so hard and also the fact that i was attracted to the monotheism principle. but i cant get over the fact that if i submitted to a certain theory now i would always have doubts unless i had read the other religions claims first and knew why my religion was theoretically superior.

I need to start learning judaism and get over my past association of judaism with a bunch of radical nationalists. I need to judge torah on what it says not what a bunch of ethnocentric jews say and do. Even if their was only one true jew left obeying torah and the other 99% of jews were all hell bound it should not stop you from adopting the theology of judaism as your religion if it is correct. This is the standard i always held others to when debating islam.

I need to find a rabbi to bombard with difficult questions. who NOSE maybe my nans big nose held an equal sized family secret. Even if my nan was ethnicly jewish i simplw dont belive in ethnicity and race. There is only one race and thats the human race.

Intellectual Lazyness Copouts and Globalisation

i heard a good line from politician Michael Portilo on a talk show a while back. he challenged a debated to provide a wokable solution to a political issue rather than a critical ethical attack. michaels opponent failed to provide a solution and portilo called his position "Intellectual Lazyness". i found this a thought provoking good point that can be applyed to the iraq war. I myself in the past have been a soup box reactionary condemning leaders as unethical and warmongers for the iraq war etc. However when you empathise with blairs position of Invade for oil or see thousands of brits die from an economic depression the michael portilo challenge is very appropriate. Its easy to condemn when you are not required to offer a better solution to the difficult decision blair had to take AKA intellectual lazyness and a copout! The iraq war is horrifying yes and even if it had to happen im sure that blair probably lacked the imagination and caring nature to try harder to minimise the death toll. Cluster bombs and depleted uranium bullets dont spell "minimum casulaties" For him it was probably focused on Invade Yes/No. He gave little thought to minimising losses of life. This is the problem today. Weather we like it or not polititians and doctors have to play god sometimes with distributing cancer drugs etc and i dont ever want to find myself in such an unenviable position that i would have a choice like the moral maze senario or deciding who gets cancer care. The biggest problem we face today is 160 seperate nation states constantly at war since year dot. Politicians today seem to think that PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION FALSE FLAG tactics is the way to bring about globalism but i would argue that michael portilos aprouch is very clever. Call the worlds 7 billion people to a global tv watching summit and show them a 30 minute history of the 160+ nations at war presentation and then challenge the people to provide a solution to escaping anouther 2000 years of endless nationalist ethnic and religious warfare or just SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ADMIT THE STATUS QUO 160+ NATIONS IS IDIOTIC AND THEY ARE TOO STUPID TO CLEAN A TOILET LET ALONE HAVE AN OPINION ON POLITICS!. I do believe the west should push hard for a one world govt but doing it through violence is counter productive. Already we are seeing millions becoming fiercely anti NWO because of the constant aggresive policy of some western states. You dont build one world unity from making endless enemies from war. you build unity from soft power and cooperation and sophisticated diplomacy and setting a good example of the rule of law applying to govt and business leaders as well. Look at President Putin of Russia. The worlds leaders love his arse because he walks his walk and talk without hypocracy in his foreign policy. He respects international laws unlike usa govt. The west is already seeing the worlds nations favoring Putin and Chinas Premier to lead the NWO rather than usa govt because of american govts refusal to understand that as bruce lee said "The art of fighting is to learn how not to fight".  We do need a one world govt and in that sense im a globalist since globalism is preferable to endless tribal war for 2000 more years. I also no longer care who gets to be in charge since even if they are the wrong people it wont take long for 7 billion people to replace them if they are not up to the job. The collective efficiency of a united 7 billion will produce more global peace and material wealth and those two things alone counter balance any crappy results you might get from the wrong people being in charge. Even if crazy zionist elite blood line jews are pushing for a one world govt we should still support them in principle and effort since we and all the current sociopaths in govt will all long be dead before a true one world nation materialises and the religious nations the west conquors like somalia, yemen, etc are not going to have 100% of their people exterminated by colonialism. The one thing that will kill more people than the currents western policy of global colonialism is anouther 100 years of a world carved up into 160 war waging national/religious tribes that already have the technolgy to end 7 billion lives...FACT! Pushing for globalism (ironically the wests policy) is strangely enough the way to go even for muslims when you see the long term bigger picture. Truth is stranger than fiction sometimes. Im not convinced it will be easy to persuade palestinian HAMAS to support the globalists however :)

Whats the difference between Judaism and Islam

Both are monotheistic religions as per original scripture. The dead sea scroll museum in jerusalem holds the oldest fragment of parchment that reads "There is no god but god" from pre jesus times. Both religions teach the same pre jesus prophets. Both religions teach goodness to your neighbour and basic ethics. i should note here i do believe there is a big difference between talmid judaism and torah judaism. Talmudic judaism is very rabbi centered and mystical in nature. Also zionism has no place in torah judaism in the sence that it is practiced today. if you assume torah judaism is the truth it logically follows the Israeli state is the jewish equivalant of the secular califate which would rule it legitimate even if they are kazaar decendents. Today however even if you assume the torah is the one true religion Israel is not acting as an ethical state should and so true "zionism" aka secular jewish state is not practiced today by jews. Zionism simply means "The jewish Cause" and is only wrong if the ethics of the state are wrong. What im getting at is zionism and torah may well be the truth but not as zionism is understood and practiced today by the vast majority of jews. Religious States are not neccesarilly the same as the false idol of unquestioning nationalism. I dont know for sure if Israel is mainly ruled by atheist jews or religious jews or a mix but Israel sure is its own worst enemy. Killing over land is unethical full stop. If  The jewish community and world had spent as much building the arabs a new state in sinai peninsula or the negev desert as they have spent on trying to remain in millitary control of the state the problem would have been over decades ago. Someone needs to draw a big line down the middle of the map and have the UN inbetween. Israel will always exist no matter how much the arabs spit fire and stir revolution. The fact is Israel is nuclear armed and attempting to over run a nuclear armed state is suicide and impossible without total obliteration and contamination of both sides. You cant defend against Israels new nuke submarines supplied by germany recently. The leaders of israel i am confident will press the button if it looks like the state is falling into arab hands. No good can come of the current position of the arabs. The arabs need to accept they lost the long war right or wrong and find a new home and life. If i were a jew i would also probably not let the arabs share power since there is too much vengfull feelings from years of occupation towards the jews who will soon be a demographic tiny minority. The demographics cannot be changed with arabs breeding as they do and the only solution that will work is two states since jews will be at risk in a one state solution. Not because the palestinians are born terrorists but because all societys in history are vengefull. If the jews dont compromise soon and create a second state they are going to push their own demographic destruction or armageddon. Why they dont understand this i dont know. Maybe they are thinking they will solve the demographics with nukes...God help us if that is true. I always hated the saying "Jordan Yes, Israel No" but sadly it is the only option if the world does not want to see total nuclear obliteration of The Region and Maybe beyond. The UN needs to build the palestinians a new state in the Southern Sinai Desert and Have Anouther Egyptian Bedoin State as a nutural buffer zone state in the north Sinai. An Israeli Controlled Jordan (Its already got a puppet) Should Also Occupy the Golan Heights and all the northern border of Israel to buffer Syria and Lebanon from a war with Israel....Radical Problems Require Radical Solutions that wont make everybody happy!

Geez got off topic there a bit....Whats the difference between Judaism and Islam?.....Not a lot other than rabbi-ism as far as i can see. Never liked the idea of organised religious clergy. From what i understand though rabbi-ism is very talmudic only. The original torah teaching was strict monotheism. You cant judge a religions theology by its followers actions i always say.
The Other major difference is that the jewish community are famous for their bad temper, rude manners allo, ma zey? makara? Yella Yella! bla bla but like i say you cant judge the religion on its claimed followers. The jewish comminity are no doubt a little bit difficult due to the culture of paranoia from Israeli fear mongering politics and media. Israels has a war economy and that is bound to drive people insane with post traumatic stress disorder after decades of conflict. Even some rabbis admit half the jewish population have Post traumatic stress disorder. Which is why i think i see these  traits in myself sometimes.

More on this topic later.....

ADHD - The Brain that screams for stimulation

What do you do when your brain is screaming out for stimulation 24hrs? ADHD is a hard thing to live with. Taking ritalin i have come to realise is also not going to help much either as no amount of amphetamine is going to satisfy my craving for whatever that feeling is and the hyper sexual side effects it gives you is not good. Some people report it killing their phisical ability for sex others report it sends it through the roof on the adhd forums. ADHD is said to involve nor-adrenalin problem in the brain and also dopamine deficiency. ADHD is deeply missunderstood condition and science has obviously not even begun to realise its hidden gift. most people just think it means your brain works slower. This is half true since the rest of the time the brain is working way too fast. I slip between the two states throughout the day constantly. ADHD also needs to be recognised for its benefits that some people with the condition show. My own theory is that adhd is very similar if not the same as post traumatic stress disorder caused by extreem stress that causes the brain to freeze in the hyper vigilant state. My brain is obviously working on a differend frequency to the norm which science has not even begun to realise the gifts that gives you in being able to see things nobody else can see through pure objective thinking and being aware of your own ego that clouds and distorts thinking. I have always had an autitic streak. My ability to see patterns in what most people would think was a casual coincidence relationship is phenomenal sometimes but proving patterns that are so widespread and right under everyones nose is next to impossible. I have an ability to have hyper empathy in some ways yet i have (what only appears to be) little empathy in other social uses sometimes due to people miss translating my lack of attention. Why is it im able to sniff out deception at a thousand yards?. Why is it 10 minutes later my brain is in the clouds with no sixth sense and then 10 minutes later its back again? Its so frustrating knowing that my behaviour and impulsive verbal outburst patterns give off totally the wrong impression to those who can only judge on reactiionary observation. I can see why people dont see the analitical abilities i have when i just shoot off the first thing that enters my head which is usually wrong. Its like a kind of torrets only without the bad language. The brain barrier that is supposed to release the chemical that says "no, dont say that out load wait for a moment" just does not function well in my head very often. ADHD is like having a brain destroys thought and behavioral barriors in the brain which are supposed to be their to prevent bad thoughts and social behavior much the same like torretes sufferers cant help but spew out the most evil language sometimes. Its not that they are evil, its just that they have a chemical malfunction and have trouble locking up those unwanted thoughts where they belong. If only society was more understanding of how chemical brain malfunction can cause people to think and do the most unwanted things and nobody is imune to such a condition striking them. Sadly we live in a world of reactionary thinkers who will always put bad behaviour down to bad charecture due to their inability to understand their own charecture and behavior can easily be altered by a simple change in chemistry. Ive decided im going to stop taking the ritalin slowly over the next weeks. It makes a big difference in how it makes me feel mentally since it reduces the stimulation craving of my brain but not so much difference in how i interact with the world so much and its like having your finger in the plug socket all day. My ability to motivate myself is still very badly impaired and my memory will never be 100% even on ritalin. Its such an artificial focus state being on ritalin and it reduces my ability to see patterns and use my analitical mind. I need to get super fit down at the gym and replace ritalin with natural endorphine rush. Ill only ever be suited to working by myself. My brain means ill always be kind of a semi recluse as i dont cope with crouds well at all and my thinking is just too different to other peoples to ever fit in well in the 9-5 work environment where taking instructions is essential. Ill only ever be suited to a self employed role. Im going to start building stained glass panels again soon as soon as i can afford the glass. Im also going to slowly return to doing the horsehair weaving and see if i can build it into a business. No reach for the stars goals this time that always lead me to give up...just a modest set of easy reachable goals to get where i want to be in ten years from now.....On a diveboat sailing round the med splitting my time between giving dive courses and doing charitable shallow water dives for disabled people. I will have to take ritalin if i go back to my dive work but there is no getting away from that. There is also no getting away from the fact its going to take a decade to save enough for a small boat most likely.

Monday, 16 July 2012

USA Election Is Evidence the population are dumber than forrest gump

Note to self. 2012 Election Proves beyond doubt 99% of voters are completely retarded. People should have to prove they can even spell the word "policy" before being allowed to vote. Americans have voted for romney despite the media screaming hes funded by goldman sacks and has a track record as a criminal capitalist. Despite all this people simply voted on his square jaw line. I always new the sheeple were dumb, i just never realised how many dumb people there are or the degree of dumbness. Not that it matters who you vote for since all choices lead to the same policy ultimately.

The 5 Keys To Correct Islamic FACTS

Teachings from Quran that dissprove common accusatiions about islam being a dangerous oppresive religion:
1) "There is nothing that prevents you from being kind to the non muslims"
2) "For you is your religion and for me is mine" (proves mohammed believed in non interfearance liberty principle and secularism not conquor and kill)
3) "If the enemy come to you in surender you must escort them to a place of security and read them the quran" (proves mohammed taught mercy and restraint in war. he also said not to kill women or children in battle or cut down trees, harm cattle, poison wells etc.)
4) "Kill them wherever you find them" (The famous missquoted sword verse which also has the info regarding the three month peace treaty being broken which is also often left out of the quote. (mohammed was simply declaring war after the peace treaty was broken and war had already effectively begun.)
5) "Let there be no compulsion in your religion" (If this verse is not enough to prove mohammed did not teach spreading islam by the sword to an islamophobe i dont know what is!)

Islam however does believe in violence in self defence only. But only against a force that is trying to fight against islam using violence. In all other cercumstances it is a passafist religion. Islam even encourages you to let the murderer kill rather than fight as stated in the story of cane and able. Note: True self defence never involves YOU travelling to the place of the enemy to "defend yourself" The aggresor is always the person that seeks out the fight on his enemies turf. There is just no getting around this FACT.

PS. Appologies if these quotes are not word for word. They are from memory and are my own words from memory but the quotes meanings are preserved and accurate. You can check the exact word for word quote using google.

BBC Radio 4 Moral Maze Programme Question

My mum some time ago told me about a radio 4 programme on the bbcs "the moral maze". In the programme the viewers were assked a philosophical senario where a person is asked if they would be willing to kill one person to save many others lives. I think i remember her saying that a sniper has to decide to divert a killer to a room with one person in it or let him go in the room with 100 people in it. I probably got this story wrong but that was the jist of the senario. Who is the most ethical person? Person A who refuses to kill the person who is alone in a room because its imoral and the incident leads to many people dying from the killer going in a full room or person B who diverts the killer to the room containing one person and saves many more lives? A tough question indeed. I cant help but say i would choose to kill one person if it was the only way to save many more lives. I began thinking about this ethical question again recently and began to see how politicians are probably in this situation all the time. They choose to invade iraq to get the oil because if they dont hundreds of thousands will die in the west from the effects of an economic crash. The economy of course relys on oil control and if the economy crashes many will die from not getting cancer drugs etc etc etc. Reality check indeed. I cant really see the sheeple agreeing to invade iraq if the prime minister were honest and said to the sheeple "We have to invade or our economy is doomed and many will die if we dont". I cant help but agree most of the population cant handle the truth and are best coerced in matters when neccesary. As the "Century of the self" video on youtube said: The people dont know whats good for them and would be stupid enough to vote in a dictator if they were not coerced with elections etc. 90%+ of the population sure are sheeple as this years 2012 election in the USA has proven beyond doubt. Even when the media screams romney is a crook the  majority still vote for him on the basis that he has a nice square jaw line and smile and repeat the words freedom, democracy, and jobs. The election is a prime example that the public are amazingly nieve and stupid and dont know their arse from thier head and are not too concerned or interested in what policys a candidate has. Maybe disshonesty is sometimes neccesary to protect people from themselves. Islam is a religion that teaches strict honesty from what i can see and judaism is much more pragmatic from what i can see. Maciavelli said in the prince that the most moral person is the person willing to get sent to hell to see that the greater good prevail. I cant help but see some logic in that. Maybe the person who chooses not to kill the person alone in the room (moral maze programme) is a bit too self righteous at the cost of many lives. In short the moral of this article is not to judge a person in power since they may have access to info that justifys their percieved crime and they have no better options. Ive always seen myself as an enemy of the govt but as i get older and more open minded i realise nothing is as simple as it seems. My mum told me today my nan might have been jewish and had a big crooked nose. and anouther relative did a family tree and said our family had fled religious persecution in holland to uk but did not specify which religion. Cant help but wonder if i have jewish blood (not that i believe ethics can be tranfered in a blood line of course even if i have got jewish ancestors). Even if you believe in pragmatism and that the govt have to coerce the public for their own good how can anyone justify 9/11 false flag? If they needed an excuse to invade afganistan and iraq why could they not just come up with an equally dramatic scary incident that did not involve killing loads of people?  Why could they not claim a bio flu weapon had struck the nation and then claim all the people who naturally die from flu every year were the victims of terrorists? (or something like that) That way you can have a casualty free false flag!. There is simply no way to justify the govt 911 false flag with any rational.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Its Official. The jews are correct about secularising govt

After watching a zakir naik vid on youtube called islam and secularism 1/17 i now realise my thoughts are correct. Islam believes Religion should be seperated from government. Islam and seculaist democracy are one and the same thing. You might say there is more islam in the west than in the middle east govts. I remember an egyptian telling me "in the west you have islam but not so many muslims. In egypt we have many muslims but no islam". What he was saying is that seperating religion from government is what sharia law teaches i assume. In a secular state people have equal rights regardless of what religion they are and they can practice their faith without interfearance. It is based on the idea that none can judge anouther and oppress him only God. Total libertarian non interfearance in others lives aka freedom is what sharia teaches. It is clearly what judaism teaches as well. The scale on which i judge ethics just merged into a singularity. Anarchic Freedom = Evil, Submission To God = Good is obviously my own splitting theological invention.  You may hate what non muslims think and do but as long as other citizens are not oppressing you muslims or any citizen has no right to dictate how others think or behave or believe. Tollerance is essential and encouraged in islamic law and its not as black and white as the quranic missquote: "Fobid what is wrong and encourage what is good". This statement is obviously meant only in the context that you like all others have freedom of speech to preach your religion. Those who preach against tollerance and freedom of speach are to be concidered a danger to society from what i understand because they are fundamentalists and fundamentalists force their beliefs on others. We obviously live in a world where lables are the only thing that divides humanity and it is our own arrogance that creates the need for lables. Irrational suspision and superiority complexes reign supreme it would seem. When judgement day comes it wont just be the people who call themselves muslims that go to heaven. The non elitist jews have a belief that anyone following the 7 noahide laws makes it into heaven and i cant help think that is almost certainly the original teaching of God. Does This make me a Jew now? No, Im still sitting on the fence for now keeping an open mind. I simply need to find a rabbi i can interagate about what i see as elitist racism i see in the jewish community and see if i get realistic answers. I also need to learn judaism in much more detail on the philosophical level from a rabbi. Judaism culture is based around libertarianism and freedom as the central themes from what i can see and i need an explanation as to how this compares with islam that is based around subbmission to the natural limits of behavior and restraint. How do these seemingly two opposites relate to each other? I need to here the jewish argumants against islam that dont include the usual islamophobic biggotry. I need to find an intelligent rabbi with good theology knowledge of islam and judaism. Christianity is out of the question since its all about idol worshipping jesus rather than god and nobody will ever convince me otherwise. How could i ever become a jew? If the congregation ever found out my past history of campaigning against Israel i would get linched! plus im not sure how well i would tollerate zionist nationalism which is rampant in jewish community. Ill never change my opinion that it is the Israeli states refusal to compromise that is the obsticle to a peacefull settlement in the region. The Israeli State has a lot to answer for as far as human rights violations go even if judaism did turn out to be the true religion of god.

Do the ends justify the means?

Its a choice between Intention and Action. To answer this question is to know if Islam or Judaism are the truth. The world is in a mess for sure. Is the way to fix it pragmatism or is it through setting the perfect example? is setting the perfect example self righteousness? Is being prepared to break the rules and go to hell for it for the sake of bettering the world the true righteous intention as Machiavellis the prince would say? Difficult questions indeed. Is the jews pragmatism the way forward or is it the islamic self example as i have always assumed? One of them is hell the other is heaven. Which to choose as my position?
Like always i cant help conclude the best safest choice is to not choose at all and refuse the fruit from the tree of knowledge alltogether. Perhaps asking these questions is the symtom of the disease itsself. All we can do is take the safest option and not choose until we have more knowledge. In the meantime all we can do is do what little we can to make the world a better place with acts of kindness towards fellow man and not judge him as good/bad until we know if we ourselves are good/bad. To fear God is always the safest way forward and to know my cognative theoretical limits rather than jumping onto a belief sytem without question and risk causing harm to others through self ignorance. I just hope judgement day does not arive before i make up my mind for good whos team im on if any.

Jewish Negative Liberty VS Marxist Socialism and Revolution Theory

The more i keep an open mind to the ideas of isaiha berlins negative liberty theory the more i like the part of it that teaches non interfearance in others lives. The problem i have with it though is that it is rooted in conservative ideals that are notorious for mercylessness when it comes to helping support the poor. Individualism has a major down side in that it can create a dog eat dog world where society allows the weak to die off rather than helping them help themselves. The downside to Karl Mark socialism is that religious scripture does in fact support capitalist property rights and i dont want to care and share all the possesions in my apartment with the masses of ignorant chavs in the population. Also you can take socialism and community love too far. I dont want to be standiong in a cirle of hippies holding hands singing "Love is all we need" whilst trying to appreciate how much better my life is living in a tent (a slight exageration maybe but capitalism does produce a lot better material standard of comfort). I would possibly sign up for libertarianism if it was not for its mercylessness attitute towards the poor.  I believe life often can through no fault of a persons own send you to the bottom very easily and we need a social net. I also believe the net should be in exchange for work of some kind however. The state must guarantee jobs for those who literally are not going to have enough to eat to survive. Socialist revolutionary theory also does not hold well with me. Despite the state being oppresive in many ways nobody who is not working and has their basic needs paid for can complain they are suffering so much they need to kill a few govt leaders. As long as you have a roof over your head and food in your belly your not so desperate that you can envoke self defence as a justification for killing. Self defence is to protect your life only acoording to scripture. It seems liberty has turned into a ridged ideology asaih warned berlin warned about. I originally thought liberty was a scam by the rich to con the poor into supporting the rulling class but now realise they do sincerelly believe in its teachings. And since jews are teaching liberty to other jews on the chabad lubervich website i can safely conclude i was being paranoid in thinking it was an ideology to con the world. Jews do sincerely believe in liberty and freedom as a religion and secular movement. Judaism and Liberty are one and the same thing it would seem. I nwo need to reconcider my suspicion that freuds pschoanalasis is a con to trick people into becoming non believers. Freud may well have been atheist but he was teaching jewish ideas in his self esteem concept. Maybe freuds ideas belong to no religion but are universal truths that anyone from any background can stumble apon. The truth of religion or its non existance almost certainly lays in freuds theorys. I need to study freud to decide if Islam or Judaism is the truth. Or maybe it will lead me to conclude that atheism is the truth and that we really are alone. The answer to existentialism i suspect is to be found in freuds books weather he plagerized his theory from the talmud or old testament is irrelavant. Perhaps the concept of having self esteem is not linked to arrogance and the "you made me from fire and him from clay" attitude after all. Perhaps this arrogant attitude only originates from "low self esteem" not "high self esteem" as the narcisist psychoanalasis theories would confirm. It sure is difficult to choose your faith allegence or lack of it when you have realised that you existing religious/theological knowledge is half missing and could be totally wrong. To compound stress i find myself in the position of having to accept that when it comes to my attitude towards many jews ying maybe yang and yang maybe ying. If judaism turned out to be the truth and islam incorrect i would sure as hell not be in Gods good books for my youtube video campaigns supporting all the anti zionist jews!. Ive deleted the video channels i created against zionism now anyway but there is still one channel i cant delete as i dont remember the password. Its best to stay out of politics until you have decided which religions side you are on if any. First learn then preach as some might say. Thing is i still am sceptical about the holocaust 6 million claims by jews. David irving seems to be genuine in his mannerisms and knowledge but his first name "david" makes me suspicious he could be controlled opposition. I do believe the victor writes history. perhaps this 6million was ww2 propaganda and jews are not in a position to admit it was state propaganda without getting a serious backlash from the goyim however. As david irvin says "The state has no govt department ordered to do the clearing up of all the bullshit lies it tells after the end of each war". If its true 6 million did not die and the piles of bodies were in fact disease victims as irvine claims then the jews would never be trusted again by any nation. I can see the motivation to keep the truth hidden as it might lead to a real 6 million massacre. This leads to the philosophical question: Is the truth always appropriate even if it starts a massacre?...hmmm food for thought.

Conclusion: Liberty VS Socialism. Both lose as they are both to extreem ends. The truth is likely someplace in the middle. A hybrid Capitalist Socialist Libertarianism...The third way as tony blair might say but without the blair theory bias towards the capitalists. A genuine third way.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Sleeping with the traditional enemy - could the pain in the ass jews be correct?

Are all my opinions theologically wrong? All that i have taken as gospel could in fact be total bull? Is my current understanding of islam destorted? Could the quran be teaching a secular theology depending on how you translate it? I have always taken it up to now that secularism and theology (religion) are two seperate things. I have always asumed that the islamic teaching that says "forbid what is wrong, and encourage what is good" is essentially saying that you must enforce islamic standards. Maybe i have understood this teaching incorrectly and if so it fundamentally would change my political position and beliefs. I have always hated the saying: "there is no right or wrong there is only opinions". To me i believe that "there is a right and wrong but humans dont always see the truth due to our cognative limitations" I see truth as something we all drift in and out of frequently throughout daily life. To teach there is no right/wrong is to me godless ignorance and i associate this theology with a secular society that seemingly tollerates all opinions even the destructive opinions. To me this is boundryless anarchic hell. But could it be that the correct translation of quran actually tollerates other religions in its zone of control and therefore is "secular" mixed belief society? There is no doubt there is a right and wrong in islamic theology but could it be that these rules only apply to those who willingly wish to adopt them? ie are we only expected to be law enforcers over our own religious observance? The quran does say "let there be no compulsion in religion". The piont im making is that maybe the two teachings are there is a right and wrong but the sharia law is an ideal rather than a blaket law that is applied to all citizens in an islamic zone of control? The jizra tax on non muslims would suggest this is authentic sunnah. perhaps the battle between secularism and theology politics is one born out of puritanical intention that is missunderstood religious teachings. the jizra tax is mearly a symbolic tax to prove the non muslim is commited to the states rule of law. The more i think about it quotes from the quran do seem to indicate there is no difference between quranic teachings and secular sytem of rule. Maybe you dont have to aprove of someones non muslim behavior but you are still obliged to accept its right to exist in an islamic state. Mohammed himself made a peace treaty and formed a community including jews who were not expected to convert to islam it seems. Maybe the "You made me from fire and him from clay" quote from quran applies here. Maybe it is human superiority complex and arrogance that splits humanity into different religious lables. The quran did say these were the words of satans arrogance! Maybe we are to not assume someone is hellbound just because they go by the lable "jew" or "christian". Perhaps these lables only originate when we assume ourselves superior. After satan refused gods command to bow to adam because he was made of fire and adam was only made of clay god said to satan "Get ye down there to earth enemies to one anouther" (linking the arrogance attitude to tribal emnity on earth) Oh my God! am i agreeing with the great satans secularist imperial geopolitical democracy crusade? Certainly not in their gunboat diplomacy methods to spread secularism no!. But maybe im comming round to the idea that secular democracy might very well be Allahs policy for the way humans should be governed. Perhaps the London School of economics is correct after all when they say all ideologies in a totalitarian form are the real danger to the world. And the other issue i have with jumping into bed with jewish western govts is that all the elections are totaly rigged anyway so its not a real democracy in the western world today even if i entertain the idea that our jewish rulling class do represent a correct interpretation of islamic sharia. Perhaps jewish law and sharia dont contradict in scriptural reality but only contradict in politics as its practiced. Perhaps many muslims are following a defective translation of sharia and the jews are following sharias correct interpretation. The world is stranger than fiction as they say. If the jews are correct in promoting secularism then logically i would have to concider the possibility of joining the arch enemy and converting to judaism......right now though to entertain the possibility the jews might be theologically correct and conservative islam theorys are wrong is so uncomfortable it might give me a mid life identity crisis! Plus i really dont like the "Obey the rabbi" culture i see in jewish culture. I respect Islam precicely because it eliminates clergy and organised religion. Darn the satanic jews "might" be the chosen ones after all sickening as that sounds. Its hard giving up a lifetime habit of hostility towards nationalist zionist jews. Never had a problem with non nationalist jews though. They do exist but zionism as we all know reigns supreme in the jewish community today. Zionism is a nasty stain on the jewish community and original judaism and if i ever converted to judaism i would still believe the vast majority of jews were theologically ignorant twats with rude manners! Some things are just facts :)

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Are the uk rulling class jews or secularists or both?

I now suspect they are both with a fondness for negative liberty. I still cant get my head around how someone can be secular and religious though unless i have missunderstood the teachings of islam. Is an Islamic state meant to be secular and based on libertarian non interfearence in others freedoms? I need to stop eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge and just get on living life before i expire. What good is knowing the truth if you arive at it a day before you die and old man? The truth is im someone who knows he does not know and the solution is just to do your best and follow instinct in living an ethical life when you dont have a huge academic background knowledge. I know a lot about a lot of things but very little about one thing. ill leave becomming a scholar to those who are not 35 and fast aging!. No i dont like the ethnocentricm of the jews who are in power today, but the fact is there is nothing i can do to change politics on any meaningfull level other than writing about it maybe. The jews in power will be defeated eventually by the democratic majority of china and russia without my input. It wont be nxt week or next year or maybe not in my lifetime but as history goes capitalism always loses in the end. Im not a socialist either. I realise im just a compasionate person who cares about the poor of the planet and wants justice. Thats not the same as wanting to share all my belongings with the red menace communist extreemists. The best system of govt is a hybred capitalist libertarian/Socialist system. balance and the middle way is my way of thinking.

PS talmudic zionists still suck but non nationalist globalist torah jews are fine with me as long as they stay in their ruling class mansions and dont cut of my internet connection again.

Asaiah Berlins Negative Liberty VS Leftist Values and Marxist Revolution Theory

Are we all inately destined to be carers and sharers or does the individual rule supreme in human rights. Up to know i would have said negative liberty sucked badely and was the protectionism of the elite. But what if the ideal of community is oppresive as hayeks road to surfdom proposed? What if you lived under the communist manifesto which dictates a world of la la land caring and sharing where the individuals ideas of religion are forbidden? Communism sounds idealistic on the surface but when you think what it would be like to live in a world where all individuals dreams are banned and you must be resigned to the collective borg flocks will it could be a nightmare where your ambitions are denied. I can see the libertarian point of view here for sure but what capitalism offers also seems to be a destitute poor working class. If only capitalism was not so idealistic itself and focused on assuring nobody at the bottom suffered their would be no cycle of revolutions between capitalism and socialists. capitalism has big benefits in that it explodes material standards but it is also seld destructive when it refuses to take out an insurance policy on keeping the poor at a reasonable standard of living. That said i would argue that anyone who recieves benefits and his rent paid by others has no reason to complain. Even the standard of living on benefits is way higher than african poverty. Its all relative. People sure dont have a right to kill people whilst complaining of poverty and oppresion from the ruling class when they own a flat screen tv, have an internet connection and 3 meals a day. Poverty is relative and this century we never had it so good. I like communism as far as iradicating poverty goes but revolutionary marxism needs to take a trip to africa and see what real poverty is before they try to justify revoluttion and killing the ruling class for a few more megapixels on their flat screen tv's. Scripture forbids envy and jelousy. If you are on the brink of death and suffering its anouther matter but UK social security is in my opinion adequate. The problem is that education and jobs are not seen as a human right. If the ruling class would only guarantee a job life would not be so stressfull. Why not put millions in the allotments planting govt funded potatoe seeds. One man can plant hundreds of potatoe seeds in a day, enough potatoes in one day to last one year.....oh no, that would be socialism!!!!! If only negative liberty were not so rigid it could avoid revolution by just helping the poor to help themselves!.Its no fun not working but the reality of life is it takes money and not just a work ethic to build a business. How can you help yourself when you spend all day stratergising how to survive on benefit! Im not saying life on benefit is easy, im just saying it could be worse and it could also better if the govt allowed people enough surplus to help themselves. Yes life on benefits sucks but its no excuse to go slaughtering the ruling class no matter how much you despise them for creating an unfare society where so many suffer. As Islam says, the greatest jihad is to speak the truth to an oppressor. Maybe i will become a writer if i find writting this blog is theraputic. In summary communism sucks, Negative liberty has some good points but is also to mercyless for its own survival, solution as always is to stay the hell away from mankinds tendency for carnage and take care of number one. Whatever you choose to do in life will inevitably be insignificant in the grand scheme of 7 billion people. All you can do is find a nieche and help your neighbours and family a little. The world is going to hell and i intend to stay in reclusive mode to survive the comming turmoil best i can until the world economy purges all the debt and starts again in 2013 when i can probably find a job on a govt back to work new deal program.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

getting a plan together

having adhd is a nightmare when it comes to being capable of formulating a plan. my thoughts are so easily distracted i wonder off into some unrelated subject within minites after sitting down to formulate a life action plan of how to get out of the dead end life im in. I so badly want to get into a project im passionate about. It has to be something i like that i can be obsessed about otherwise i know myself well enough that i will get distracted and lose interest the moment some better idea pops into my head. Starting a business with no money is impossible. I need to stop thinking big and start taking baby steps even if that means getting a job cleaning dishes. but how when my only qualifications are scuba diving? dont have money to get back into diving as much as i wish i could. i need to get a plan that is very long term and stick to it. I can wash dishes if i know it will lead to bigger ideas but its just seeing the path to those bigger dreams thats so hard when your options are as limited as mine. im sinking financialy again and i need to make a move to get an income before im on the street. BUT WHAT! Even the local tesco guy told me he had 250+ applicants for the last part time cleaners job! I need to use my creativity to invent something great to get onto the ladder of life. Without money the fact is your options to get out of poverty are very slim without some serious creative thinking!. Hope is all you need to be positive which is why a realistic dream and plan are essential in life to stay possitive. I need a plan and i need one yesterday. trouble is planning and organising thoughts is not the adhd persons natural tallent. maybe i will just remove my frontal lobe all together!...Arghhhhhh!!!!!!

Monday, 2 July 2012

Education is important...said mum

"No its not, even if i dont get any good grades ill be a millionaire one day". That was my answer to my mum aged 15. Oh how wrong was i!. At 35 and only having diving instructor qualifications to my name i am now up shit creek without paddles to find a decent job. My chances in any interview with my record are zilch!. My only hope is to save my pathetic income to start my own business one day. Or as i am thinking begin to live the monk lifestyle and just be happy ignoring the false god of money. Education is importand VITALY IMPORTANT....

Chicken Kiev From Tesco

Cheap Chicken Kiev with garlic sauce from tesco is great appart from the fact that after buying it three times in a row it HAD NO F&*ing CHICKEN IN IT WHAT SO EVER!. Amazing how these companies rip us all off without restraint. next time i'm in the stoor ill steal something of the same price if they dont giove me my money back.

cane and Able and the Bounderies of violence

Fighting against religious extreemism is easier than most people think. Since most extreemists take scripture literally rather than in its abstract poetic metaphore sense the rules can be sold to them in their own mindset. Enter Cane and Able. Cane and able are of course shared by the three big religions. I dont know what judaism or christianity say about them but heres the islamic version from quran. It clearly sets out the bounderies for who can be killed and who cannot be killed. Not to mention the fact that it is a lesson on how to view the use of violence in general:

Surat Al-Ma'ida Verse 27 - 32
27. Recite to them the truth of the story of the two sons of Adam. Behold! they each presented a sacrifice (to Allah): It was accepted from one, but not from the other. Said the latter: "Be sure I will slay thee." "Surely," said the former, "(Allah) doth accept of the sacrifice of those who are righteous.
28. "If thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee: for I do fear Allah, the cherisher of the worlds.
29. "For me, I intend to let thee draw on thyself my sin as well as thine, for thou wilt be among the companions of the fire, and that is the reward of those who do wrong."
30. The (selfish) soul of the other led him to the murder of his brother: he murdered him, and became (himself) one of the lost ones.
31. Then Allah sent a raven, who scratched the ground, to show him how to hide the shame of his brother. "Woe is me!" said he; "Was I not even able to be as this raven, and to hide the shame of my brother?" then he became full of regrets.
32. On that account: We ordained for the nation of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.

London 2012 Olympics and false flag attack

No Thanks! Sport bores me and i would consider it more safe to do a skydive without a parachute than attend the olympic games in 2012. The games will be a prime target for nutters of every variety not to mention the security intelligence services who are likely dying to do anouther false flag 911 terror event. No doubt they will target london to encourage support for a war on Syria or Yemen just like they did with afganistan and iraq only this time everyone is expecting them to do a false flag judging by the many vids on youtube. The same neocon nutters are still on the loose and they did not suddenly dissapear and convert to buddism when obama came to power.

What action i should take to fix the world

BUGGER ALL! is the answer i have concluded. Now that i realise how complex philosophical questions are i can entertain the possibility that all i have concidered true up to now could in fact be total bullshit. If God is omnisipent he sure does not need my help to put the world strait. He has a plan to blow up the world anyway according to all three major religions so why would i want to involve myself in the conflict of religions and politics when i can do more good by focusing on building something up as apposed to pulling some scumbag politician down. In the end the world will always be full of scumbags to the last day of armageddon so why throw myself on the sacrificial alter when it wont make any difference or fix the worlds biggest problems? Its irational and life is better spent looking out for ones own self interests and doing what little good he can for people who deserve to be helped. Thats all God expects. I think maybe starting a food charity in africa or central asian forests might be an interesting project to start when i can afford it. Something small and simple and a comfortable pace of life with growing my own food in the forrest and maybe start a family one day. I simply dont want a fast paced life with my adhd and need to keep things simple to enjoy life.

The ruled and the ruled over

If Judaism is correct then it would mean that yes jews are permitted to exploit the goyim due to the fact that the goy are dumb as shit. Im not sure islam would disagree that there are billions of goy who are blind and morally bankrupt who deserve to get ripped off as a lesson t them. So why do i always hate the idea of a man ruling over anouther man? Is it a reflection of my frustration of being ruled over when i know i am suited to be a leader?

Religions two faced coin and Nieches Master Slave Ethics

having studied religion for years now i find myself comming to some unsettling realisations. THERE CAN ONLY BE TWO POSSIBLE ANSWERS TO THE MEANING OF LIFE. One of the options on the table is Islam which i have always had a strong affiliation to. The other is what i have always assumed to be the arch enemy of islam......Judaism. One of these religions is the correct one and the other is its polar opposite (evil). Whatever of these two religions you choose the opposite becomes evil in you perception. I have come to realise that evil can be spun into goog and good can be spun into looking like evil. From the judaism point of view it can be said that jews are the chosen people which is why God allows them to rule so much over the goyim. I find myself wondering weather the chosen race principle could in fact be true and relate to my long held belief that most people are muppets without analitical minds. Master/Slave philosophy on ethics from Nietche are strongly related to thic concept. There are two competing ideas..(master/Slave) ethics. Its not until you empathise with the position of the master you realise how property rights and libertarian ideas become dominant in the masters ethics and a hatred of redistributing the wealth becomes imoral. Are we living in a world where perception and truth are variable depending on your perception and point of view?. Such a hypothosis would possibly rule out a God existing at all. I now realise how shallow my theology education was and how perhaps i have focused too much on islam for personal reasons related to my psyche. Am i having a crisis of faith or just a new way of understanding religion? Could the arch enemy Judaism be the true religion of God? Could Freud be correct with his pschoanalasis theory or was he simply trying to corrupt society? I find myself in the posision where i must choose between two opposites...Judaism and Islam. If i choose Judaism it means my predudices towards zionist jews where a projection of my own qualities onto jews. At the same time i cant but disslike many jews for their abrasive nature whilst at the same time having to admit im as abrasive as they come. Ive always hated the fact that i see jewish qualitys in my charecture. Am i going through a 180 degree perception shift where jews become good and muslims become bad? Why the hell does God allow such tallented manipulators to rule? Is it because like myself they see objectivly? Does the outcome really justify the means in Gods eye? Do jews have the ability to shut off the christian ideal of self righteousness when it comes to methods of ruling? In other words: Are you prepared to go to hell to save the world and is this why god chooses the jews? Are ethics within the intention and the soul and not in the action as i have always thought? Where do i go from here? If Judaism is the truth then my hostility to zionism is simply a reflection of a fight in my sub concious. to finalise: From the position of Judaism Islam is understandably evil. And From the position Of Islam Judaism is understandably evil. Only one can be true and only one can be evil. I must choose which one is which knowing that one of the two is disguised as good but is evil. A hard choice indeed knowing that the consequense is hell if you pick the wrong one. Am i a master or am i a slave as frederiche nieche might say.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

whats this blog about?

thought i should start emptying my head of thoughts and ideas so i can analise them and move forward with them rather than constantly letting thoughts revolve around and around without progressing anywhere. this blog is to help me move onto new ways of thinking and being. My adhd has a bad habbit of keeping me stuck in the past and prevents me from understanding myself as well as i perhaps could.