Monday 23 July 2012

Richard Dawkins Spectrum Of Theistic probability Rating

Dawkins posits that "the existence of God is a scientific hypothesis like any other." He goes on to propose a continuous "spectrum of probabilities" between two extremes of opposite certainty, which can be represented by seven "milestones". Dawkins suggests definitive statements to summarize one's place along the spectrum of theistic probability. These "milestones" are:[2]
  1. Strong theist. 100 per cent probability of God. In the words of C.G. Jung: "I do not believe, I know."
  2. De facto theist. Very high probability but short of 100 per cent. "I don't know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there."
  3. Leaning towards theism. Higher than 50 per cent but not very high. "I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God."
  4. Completely impartial. Exactly 50 per cent. "God's existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable."
  5. Leaning towards atheism. Lower than 50 per cent but not very low. "I do not know whether God exists but I'm inclined to be skeptical."
  6. De facto atheist. Very low probability, but short of zero. "I don't know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there."
  7. Strong atheist. "I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung knows there is one."
Im about a 2 or more accurately 3 on the dawkins scale at this time of my life....

Sunday 22 July 2012

Who rules the uk?

A question ive always wondered about. There is no doubt we are a satalite state of the usa. That partly answers the question. The rulling elite of uk also has a strong russian jewish factor from when the ussr broke up and also the bolshavik revolution saw many jews flee to uk. Jewish power in business is enormous and on a scale only people who have done research can appreciate. But do jews run uk? No, Nobody runs uk exclusively, the uk rulling class is made up of thousands of powerfull figures and yes many of them are dispraportionatly jews for their demographic. No one person is king and cooperation as an oligarthy on shared interest of keeping the middle class under control is essential for groups survival. It is not unfair to say the jews also hold most of the key positions of power and influence no matter what the people who throw "anti semite!" into the debate say. facts are just facts to those like me who have done thousands of hours research as a bad habbit hobby campigning for palestine. The jewish community can be notoriously ethnocentric but that said so are the muslims and any other group which always favours "their own kind". But the difference is that talmud takes ethnocentricm as religion and other faiths simply have no such belief theology. Its impossible to put a figure or know just how much power the jews have in the uk but what can be said is that it is hugely influencial to say the least in all the key sectors and even gordon brown the prime minister admited this fact. What concerns me is not that jews are all powerfull in the uk but that their are obviously some jews in power that have very nasty tendencies to be ethnocentric and dam right racist and bounderyless in ethics. Pure pragmatists who will justify any means for an end result. These racist jews believe in an elite blood line theory just like hitlers arian race elitism theory. This i concider a big danger to society as it creates injustice and an arrogant elite who think they are uberman master race. Not all jews think this way of course but many do. What can be done about these unsavory charectures dominating our system of govt? Once again...bugger all! They have a hold on power that wont ever be removed until they clash with the Chinese empire. I dont have a problem with jews rulling over me, i just have a problem when those jews are so racist they go all out to put other equally racist jews in positions of power simply because they have the right kind of blood. This i find grossly unfair to other ethnic groups jockying for power in our govt system.  A secular system is not supposed to favour one group. As long as they dont try to stop me practicing whatever religion i choose and dont start persecuting me they have forfilled their duty as ruller of state to enforce secular negative liberty. They can have their ignorant racist ideas if they like and they can even have that argumentative hell hole of a state called Israel too just as long as they dont tread on my toes and try to stop me living my life and escaping this dying country to live in the sun. Such people will inevitably come unstuck and they dont need me as an enemy to experience bad karma for seeking only justice for one ethnic group. They can only grow their ethnocentric power so much before the ethnocentricm becomes obvious to all in the population. This factor keeps the uk relatively safe from fascist tiranical rule since these racists are a tiny small demographic number that cannot dominate openly and have to rely on peoples ignorance of power structures. Yes they can build empires with just a few people but they can never teach their racist ideology to the people openly without revealing their sick master race mentality ideas.  Ive wasted way too much time campaigning for justice in Israel/Palestine and Israel will no doubt end in nuclear war one day and nothing i can say or do will persuade the racist zionists that their determination to have a racially pure state is going to be what gets them and maybe all of us wiped out one day. Campaigning on the Israel Issue is a garanteed way to spend a lot of time achieving nothing. Israel has nukes and they are here to stay. The "Peace process" will continue of course for anouther 60+ years despite the army of activists who are like me destined to waste years of their lives trying to change the unchangable. All we can do is try to persuade the israelis that it is in their interest to create a new arab state in sinai for the palestinians and to help pay for the cost of building it too! Either that or give up controlling the jordan presidency and let the palistinians use jordan as their state but it must be sovereign without Israeli puppets!. Im not for creating "States" and "nationalisms" but when global nuclear war is at stake ill make a practical exception to the rule. The arabs should also agree to a state in a new location in return for a guarantee Israel will bloody behave itself for a change and get its war based economy under control. The increasing numbers of moderate jews for a two state solution is a promising sign.

What is a fascist govt?

Traditionaly im told it is defined by the merging of business and state. However i suspect the definition depends on whos side your on of course. Do we have a govt that can be called fascist?
Well there is one thing for sure and that is the Rich prioritize the rich and the poor get thrown the bones. Capitalism is based on the idea that profit is channeled back to the wealthy and that this wealth will trickle down to the middle and lower classes. it is probably true that channeling wealth back to the rich does have huge efficiency benefits in some areas compared to channeling the wealth equally to the poor. The trickle down claim is very dubious but im not an economist to know the statistics on that. The problem we have today is that the rulling rich elite will not recognise that they have taken self preservation as a class way to far. It is said the first rule of power is learning how to stay in power. To stay in power in a capitalist system you must dominate in the currency of capitalist power; CAPITAL!. I can understand this practical reality but today the rich seem to stupid to understand that they could still practice 99% capitalism if they just paid a 1% insurance on their rule!. Instead it seems greed and idiological fanaticism have taken hold and the rulling class are unable to see that their own inflexible idiology that the rulling class have a right to self interest desisions too is what is going to be their downfall one day. If only they would just take a tiny percentage of their uber wealth and invest it in preventing a revolution by introducing a tobin tax on the shadow banking system they would secure their rule at least for a time. I fear however greed will get the better of them and their inflexible ideology will lead to a mass unrest. Un unfair society is probably neccesary for practical reasons and keeping power, however a grossly unfair society is a curse to everybody. Fascism is just a propaganda term today thats meaningless. Is our govt unjust should be the question and the answer is yes even if you are a pragmatist and can see the need for a class system and massive wealth at the top. What can be done about it? Well the bbc lately are making some strange noises about taxing the offshore banking sector and they are also making noises about bailing out the people rather than the banks too. Suprising noises indeed from the rulling elite!. the rulling class must be so desperate perhaps they are starting to see some common sense survival value in balancing the system a little more in the direction of the common people. Maybe their is hope on the horizon for green shoots of change in our capitalist system after all and its comming from the rulling class of all places!. it just takes desperation in the rulling class to make them see their own interests and seat of power are at stake.

Mothers words were wise, but i always new better

My mum and dad always tried to stear me clear of politics and engaging in controversy. They repeatedly said i should engage in life not online politics. Unfortunately i was always a passionate supporter of justice which led me to stick my head out on every issue i felt strongly about on the internet. I now realise my mother simply looking out for my best intrests. i always saw my mums attitude to life as a bit cowardly but now i see things differently. Their are many battles in life and you have to choose your battles wisely and not fight every battle you come across. Its not cowardly to remain silent at injustice when you are a mouse and the abuser is a mountain, its just smart policy that will keep you strong for the battles you can win. if only we had all listened to our parents advice and not thought we knew better. My years on the net have also been a way of avoiding the real issues on my mind. I need to go back to the life i once had when i was backpacking and meet new people and build a network of friends again. Ive been in my hole about 7 years now and cant afford to waste anymore of my life. I still pehaps have 30+ years to do something with my life again. I think my best option is to go back to starting my own jewellery business. It can be done on the relative cheap over a couple of years maybe with hard work. I should not have given up so easily before. Its not my long term dream to be tied to a jewellery company but i can see it as a bridge to getting the catamaran i dream of owning one day floating around the med planting crops on remote islands, fishing and living 90% self sufficient. I can use my amature web design skills to start a charter boat website and revive my diving skills with a little investment. I can also use the boat to do charitable work like helping out tunisian refugees stuck on italian islands. i could take them supplies like tents etc i buy cheaply in car booty sales on the mainland. bla bla bla, just dreaming as usual. Its a long way away financially but ill get their one day with more effort and self disaplin.

Socialists and Marxist revolutionaries and the govt as their enemy

What a mess this world is in. As the cycle of socialism vs capitalism rolls on towards impending doom it would seem both sides need a dose of reality to head off a potential mass revolution in the west. Theier is some truth to be found in karl marx's communist manifesto. The borgoise are destined to swollow the middle class to surive and grow ever and ever bigger companies that need to forever grow themselves to survive. Unregulated Laise faire capitalism is a parasite on the society as we have come to see in 2008. But like richard branson said; "Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater" when reaasessing capitalism. capitalism has huge benefits materialy and that translates to benefits in many areas of life when you unlock the human selfish tendency. Marxism also has its good points. I have always thought of myself as a "socialist" simply because i see a lot of the worlds problems can be tied to a total lack of collective cooperation and a lack of caring for fellow man. I associate the word "socialist" with "caring person". i think a lot of people lable themselves socialist simply on this shallow basis. No education in socialism is required for most of the population. Like with religion if you ask someone why they call themselves a "christian" many people give themselves this label not because they are knowledgable of christian theology but because the associate "Good person" with "Christian". Capitalists propbably associate capitalism with "freedom of opportunity" or something alike. Today the govt are terrified of socialists who believe that violence is the only solution to a class war and the govt witch hunt a fear has little understanding of just how fragile most peoples links to socialism are. Most peoples link is simply associating "caring person" with socialist!. Im sure the same goes with the "socialists" demonising all capitalists as "banksters". There is definately a strong risk of class war in a society with a big rich/poor gap. It seems to me both capitalism and socialism has its extreemists. People willing to remove all bounderies to enforce their ideology. Revolutionary socialists are when you think about it a bit of a joke. They live in a western world that gives them the highest standard of living on the planet and whilst the dole might not be much fun their is no shortage of africans who would cut off their arm to get free living costs provided by the govt and no work expected in return. You simply cant claim you are in a state of suffering so extreem that you have no choice but to kill the rulling class and take power from them when you have your accomodation paid for and three meals a day. This "suffering" would make any poor african fall over laughing. Despite this reality their are still always going to be people who find a pschological scapegoat for their own problems in life and blame all their frustrations on the govt by spinning socialist principles to suit their own agenda of wanting to fight the govt and punish them for their problems so they can feel better. People do this with religion too obviously and far right nationalism always increases in hard economic times since people are seeking someone to blame for their inability to adapt and survive. On the other extreem you have people who are so hard core atheist that they create atheism into a religion where since they believe there is no god they conclude that their is no right and wrong and the only morality that exists is serving the self and its ego. This mentality inevitably breeds people with no social or ethical bounderies when it comes to making money. The rules to them are human created barriers based on ignorance of reality. Selfishness is seen as a virtue and the effects of selfish capitalism on the wider society is totally ignored by the elite in the name of laise faire totally deregulation of the banks. Their is no doubt unregulated capitalism is also an extreem danger ideology to society as a whole since it creates an ever expanding rich poor gap which leads to revolution throughout history and many people dying from the destruction of the working and middle class. I dont have the answer to what is better than extreem capitalism or extreem socialism i only know that if both sides just removed their extreemist ideological fringe and compromised just a tiny bit to find a hybrid capitalist socialist system it would at least delay revolution and buy more time to develop a new financial system that is sustainable and does not lead to revolution. Seperating speculative banking from day to day banking is a start. Even if our capitalist system implodes the solution is not to join in a futile revolution no matter how bad conditions get. The best solution is to simply become a refugee and try to set up a life of self sufficiency in the countryside. Any revolution will always end up with a class society or tyranical utopian share evrything and be forced into wearing flowers in your hair whilst standing in a cirle holding hands with your neighbours singing "Love is all we need" socialism. No Thanks i grew out of idealist hippy values years ago when i realised a functioning society cannot live on love and friendship alone! It maybe a womans dream to live in such a gay loving and caring world but its the nighmare of many who dont want to live on a diet consisting of 100% idealistic peace and love and nievity. Capitalism has major benefits to wider society and its time socialists recognised this rather than turning socialism into a religion like deregulated capitalists have done with "the markets adjust themselves if nobody interfears". " If you have no class system whos going to want to do the toilet cleaning jobs? I hate classism, but i cant imagine how a society functions without class. Your not going to declass the minds of millions overnight. In an ideal world their would be no class, but also their is no such thing as a world that does not have pros and cons whatever system of govt you choose to adopt.

Whats it like to have adhd?

Well first off although i have an official diagnosis for adhd i would have to say i almost certainly have other conditions too. I suspect i am an aspee (autistic aspergers). i was also diagnosed with dyslexia as a child although i dont think im dyslexic. I also have sleep problems and am supposed to use a breathing machine and facemask when i remember. I definately have some OCD mixed into my brain too as do other family members and i have a secret obsession with numbers and dates that if i told anyone the system they would think i was barking mad so i keep that to myself since im in control of it enough to hide it. Getting a diagnosis for a mental condition can be very hit and miss since the symtoms of the different conditions you can have widely overlap and it can be hard for doctors to tell one condition from the other. Having adhd drives you insane. quite literally. You can see yourself making the errors as you get older yet have little to no power to correct the symptoms. Being aware of my distractability makes me angry with myself for being distractable yet unable to fix it. My working memory is also very bad. The major symptom is not being able to take anything people are saying to you in easily. Like deaf people i have learned to just sub consciously nod in the correct places when people are talking to me to disguise the fact that my mind is miles away thinking about platos cave analogy whilst my mum is reading off a list of instructions i must follow. Its not that i dont care what people are saying its just that the chemicals in my brain do not work properly and a cannot resist the urge for my mind to wonder when its supposed to be listening and its very hard to switch my focus from one thing onto anouther.  Im not conscious when im nodding in the right places, its just a habbit i obviously use to cope with having to hide my disability. I often ask a question to someone and my brain is away instantly the moment my sentence is done and i simply dont take in the answer and have to ask again. Sometimes i also forget i already asked the question and people think im mad. I also regulary try to pay shop keepers my bill twice without realising. I sometimes find myself in a place with no recollection of why i went there. I often pace the room when stressed up and down up and down just thinking too hard. I often get up during the night multiple times to eat or go to the loo or drink something. Sometimes i sleepwalk but not often. I could spend all day listing my symptoms. Its like having your thoughts turned up to full volume and full strength focus energy and all else is drowned out and impossible to take in because the volume is too loud. I struggle to stop my brain from being very introverted and stuck inside. Its very hard to focus on external stimuli and i feel bombarded by my senses and overwhelmed with daily living and life. There is just too much to think about and keep track of. In short i struggle to switch my attention from one thing to the next. One minute my brain is hyperfocused like a lazer beam with obsessive energy that can keep me up all night thinking about whatever the perticular obsession of the time is the next minute my brain goes far too slow and im in a haze and feeling punch drunk with lowered inhibitions yet thinking on a frequency that allows me to see social patterns on a wide scale and things others cannot see because their brains are on a different wave type. Sometimes my haze is so bad that im thinking about being in a certain scene like at a party or something and my body or mouth actually acts it out as if im actually there and i pause to wonder if anyone noticed my strange behavior. It does not happen often and mostly when im alone at home fantasising about something. Its just that my thoughts can get so intense and loud the brain just for a second gets confused and acts as if my daydream is real and i for example wave to someone in my thoughts to say hello or laugh at something they said to me in my head. My sockpuppet tick hand sometimes also appears too but this has not happened for quite a while now. Its just like a wierd mental urge and desire to put up my left hand like an emu and then wiggle my fingers. It happens only if i get very stressed. My adhd means I simply have no middle gears only gears 1 and 5. The only way i know how to excell at something is to deliberately not try to resist getting obsessed with something. If im not obsessed i know myself well enough that i will simply get bored and drop out. My concept of time is obviously different from other peoples i have come to realise. I also realise my body is not fully in touch with my brain. Last year i broke my arm and ten minutes later i was carrying my shopping with it in the town until i decided to cycle to casualty to get it checked and the plaster casted it. I did not need painkillers for it since my brain simply is not fully connected to my body. Organising my life due to lack of planning ability is hard and i have no routine. I struggle on bad days just to make a cup of tea for a family visitor. Its easy to get demotivated when you see even your best efforts dont cure your distractability. I also have impulse control problems when not focused but this is getting better with age. So far i only succedded in one thing and that was getting my scuba diving instructor qualification. Learning to addapt is proving difficult for me as i seem to have had a period of worsening mental health since a bang on the head some years ago. In short adhd is not knowing weather you are comming or going...Its like watching events flash past you not knowing if its night or day. A kind of state of confusion when it comes to the concept of time.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Freedom - What is True Freedom?

What is freedom? Is it owned by one religion or philosophy? Is it good or bad?

Ive come to think that freedom is universal and practical. Ive always seen islam as teaching the opposite of freedom....subbmision to god in the past. I still think this is true and the scripture confirms this yet this does not neccesarilly mean freedom is not part of islam. Mohammed encouraged a secular state including other faiths in the saudi town of madina. It would seem this does not mean mohammed said people should seek freedom from god however. Islam teaches that muslims must follow muslim rules of quran but at the same time allow everyone the freedom to choose which rules and religion they want to live by. Islam is an ideal for people to adopt or not. If you adopt it it will be good for you of course and if you dont choose to be muslim im pretty sure you wont make it to heaven. But the fact is mohammed taught freedom.....real freedom! where evryone can by definition BE FREE to choose what religion they want and live by it. Sadly the world we live in today is far from free and people are trying to eliminate religions just the same as fundamentalist religious people are trying to eliminate other competing religions.

Best option is to build a private yaught and escape the madness and tirany of this world. Become a pirate on your own dive boat and live how you want without interfearance from anyone. I dream of going back to my scuba diving career. trouble is it takes money.